View Full Version : Exhausted From Everything

12-27-2012, 04:46 PM
I am 15 and a girl and have always had anxiety problems. When I was a kid I had selective mutism, ocd, and just hated bing social, but I grew out of it and I haven't had issues since then. I started high school last year and I didn't realise until doing a project on mental illness that I might still have problems. Last summer I stayed home basically all summer because I was scared I was dying of triple e from a mosquito bite. I didn't tell my mom or anything because I didn't want to worry her. I just sat around and jogged everyday and waited to see if any other symptoms showed up of triple e. I only hung out with friends twice because I always hate going places and I prefer to just do my own thing. Lately I have been scared I have diabetes, but I can't even remember why and I don't have any symptoms except I'm always tired. I have been so angry at everyone lately, but then a few weeks later I will cry for days because I'm so happy for what a great life I have. Then I go back to being angry and I'm mad at everyone in my life. Why is all this happening? I don't want to bother my parents with seeing a doctor cuz I know I'm just being a baby. I would really appreciate someone giving me their two cents on my situation.

12-27-2012, 06:20 PM
I think you should tell you parents. I was 14 when I had my first panic attack, and boy do I wish I would of told someone!!!! Dealing with it and starting a healing process has to start with acknowledging you have it. It sounds to me like it's anxiety, and you should reach out to you family for some help. Maybe you could go talk to a therapist. They won't judge you and they believe you! Doing something about it now will save you the years upon years of craziness that I went thru! Are your parents good people? Can you talk to them???

12-27-2012, 06:43 PM
My parents are good people but they are going through a lot of stress themselves and I don't want my problems to be another thing added to their pile of crap. They have seen me have a panic attack but I said it was from being dehydrated And I passed out. Is there anything I can do to chill out without telling anyone about my anxiety? I hate seeing my mom worry about me, which she does all the time. I just want to feel better by myself, but I don't know if my anxiety is serious enough to get therapy or something like that

12-27-2012, 07:09 PM
I don't know what you could do to get threw this by yourself. None of that worked for me. Talking to people is what made me settle down. I have this amazing person in my life who will straight up tell me "your acting crazy"!!!!!!! And for some reason it snaps me out of it!!!! I have also gone back to my faith. God has played a huge part in me getting threw it!!! And meds! 9 years if panic attacks and I finally tried the medication!!! It changed my life.... I can be that person for you if you want!!!! There is not a thing you can say to me that will make me judge you or think your crazy!!!! Laughter and logic are huge for me and help me rethink what I was thinking!!! I'm here for you whenever! I would live to help!

12-28-2012, 11:24 AM
What should I say to my mom??

12-28-2012, 12:44 PM
Just tell her you have been really anxious and you can't pin point what it's from. Tell her you would like help to figure this out b4 it gets worse so if she would like to listen that's great, or maybe she could make you an appt with a therapist! Do some research on anxiety and print it out. For your benefit and hers! This way you can talk about it easier with her! People who don't have this really have no idea how terrible it makes us feel!!! Let me know how it goes or if you need any other help.

12-28-2012, 05:55 PM
I agree with Meg. Tell your parents....they already probably have an idea that something is wrong....just sit them down and talk to them. The most important thing is that you need to tackle this now as it is still in the beginning stages. I found a meditation app on my phone that is free and works wonders. It immediately helps me to calm down. There are also plenty of websites where they discuss breathing exercises. Those help ALOT as well. The most important thing though,is having someone to talk to....

12-30-2012, 08:12 PM
Okay thank you. I think I will wait until after the holidays are past then try to bring it up, wish me luck hahaha

01-01-2013, 09:03 AM
Hi Kay. I feel for you and I'm sorry that you are going through this. I think Meg's idea of doing some research and printing it for your parents to read is a wonderful idea. Because they are going through a lot of stuff themselves they actually may find that helping you helps them feel better. They also may blame themselves for your anxiety so reassure them that this isn't the case, that anxiety is an individual thing and that anxiety like yours is not usually caused by circumstances but is a medical problem that can be treated and healed. Use this forum a lot. People here are completely understanding, will never judge you and have tons of experience with dealing with anxiety. And please please please see a therapist. Many therapists specialize in anxiety disorders and are very skilled in helping you to understand what's happening to you and how to feel better. I's so wise and mature of you to be reaching out for help. It's the first step on your path to healing. You'll look back and be so glad that you did. I'll be sending good thoughts your way.