View Full Version : trouble accepting its anxiety

12-27-2012, 12:04 PM
When the feelings and stuff are so intense all day today my head has been hurting so bad and my anxiety is playing off it causing me to panic it seems like everyday my mind chooses something to work me up about everyday at the end of the day I dread going to sleep because waking up the next day will just be the same old shit I have a appointment tomorrow with my psychitrist but damn I can't even drive to the wtore without panicing how am I gonna drive 40 miles away :( I hate this I don't think the same I feel as if my brain is all my messed up I don't feel at all like myself my way of thinking is constantly on how am I feeling I don't really have any hope I know in my heart this can't last forever but it really feels like it will :/ sometimes I panic and I don't even know why I'm panicing I have this nervous habbit that are so embarrasing I just don't know what to do I have learned breathing and stuff but all that goes out the window when I start to panic sorry this is so long I need to get it off my chest my life is a living hell right now :( I also have a wonderful 2 year old son that watches me go through this shit everyday and I feel so bad but if it wasn't for him I would be sitting in a crazy home right now I want to overcome this I need to overcome this but it seems like when I start to get better I go back to where I was anyone can share some light?

12-27-2012, 03:16 PM
How long have you been dealing with anxiety/panic??

12-27-2012, 04:55 PM
I've had anxiety on and off for about 6 or 7 years panic attacks ever so often but recentally I've been having them 2 or 3 times a day :/

12-27-2012, 04:59 PM
Remember, "Just anxiety" doesn't mean imaginary or its all in your head. Anxiety has a real and physical component. It is 100% curable and is not dangerous.

12-27-2012, 05:31 PM
Remember, "Just anxiety" doesn't mean imaginary or its all in your head. Anxiety has a real and physical component. It is 100% curable and is not dangerous.

I've read your story panic it gives me some hope in my life

12-27-2012, 06:08 PM
If it makes you feel any better , I sometimes will get in panic mode for days upon days!!! My panic has calmed down a lot lately and I think this forum is the reason for it! Just remember your not alone. Try to get yourself out of the "habit"!!! I know, easier said than done, but a lot of panic is habit. It where our mind goes naturally! Stay busy.... I know we all have laundry to do!! And when on doubt, talk to us. We are here to help!

12-27-2012, 06:18 PM
If it makes you feel any better , I sometimes will get in panic mode for days upon days!!! My panic has calmed down a lot lately and I think this forum is the reason for it! Just remember your not alone. Try to get yourself out of the "habit"!!! I know, easier said than done, but a lot of panic is habit. It where our mind goes naturally! Stay busy.... I know we all have laundry to do!! And when on doubt, talk to us. We are here to help!

Thanks so much :) I know it won't last forever my hormones are all crazy I'm 8 months pregnant I think that contributes to it just have to take it day by day hopefully it will go away soon :/

12-27-2012, 06:26 PM
Ooooo for sure girl!!! I was a hot mess when I was prego!!! That's why my husband said no more kids!!! We have 2 boys and they are amazing!!! They are my reason for wanting to find a way to fix myself!!! You will get there. And I am here if you need to talk!!! There is not a symptom or disease that I did not have!! ( in my head that is)!!!! If it's the morning your scared of, try a different routine in the morning!!! Go outside and read a passage for the Bible or a book that inspires you! Turn on some music and do a lil dance! Get yourself happy! It's a wonderful life!

12-28-2012, 08:31 AM
Ooooo for sure girl!!! I was a hot mess when I was prego!!! That's why my husband said no more kids!!! We have 2 boys and they are amazing!!! They are my reason for wanting to find a way to fix myself!!! You will get there. And I am here if you need to talk!!! There is not a symptom or disease that I did not have!! ( in my head that is)!!!! If it's the morning your scared of, try a different routine in the morning!!! Go outside and read a passage for the Bible or a book that inspires you! Turn on some music and do a lil dance! Get yourself happy! It's a wonderful life!

Yes my husbaNd also said this was our last kid lolol and my babies are the reason I keep going I'm gonna get better for them I don't want to stay locked in the house my whole life so anxiety is much greater when you are pregnant all I know is this sucks feel like I'm not myself :/