View Full Version : Blurred vision/glare in one eye

12-27-2012, 09:20 AM
The past two weeks, I've been having sporadic glared vision in my right eye. It's mostly at night, but I really notice it when I'm looking at light. Candles, headlights, or even a movie will emit a glare and create a bit of blurriness. It's not all the time, but maybe a couple hours during the day. My left eye is completely normal and clear. I've also been getting tinnitis in my right ear.

I'm worried it might be something serious, but I struggle with being anxious over all my physical symptoms (I went to the ER three times in November for anxiety symptoms) so my rational side is trying to say that it's my anxiety. I started Zoloft a month ago ... could this just be my brain getting used to the zoloft? Or is it a symptom of anxiety? Has anyone else experienced blurred vision in one eye? Maybe it's dry eye?

I'm struggling whether or not to call my doctor.... I always get so embarrassed to call him because I'm always calling about physical symptoms. I just feel like the girl who cried wolf, but I'm crying wolf to myself... what if one day it is serious and I tell myself, "Oh, don't worry self, it's just your anxiety?"

12-27-2012, 11:25 AM
When i started on zoloft it effected my vision. Light really bothered me. It went away after a while. I had a problem once w one eye. Was a optic nerve trouble. Also had what was called eye migrain in both eyes due to anxiety, the dr said. Check w eye dr. Try not focus to much on it, it will jst make it worse!! Think positive & good luck!