View Full Version : Please help me

Sudhir Nimavat
12-26-2012, 11:05 PM
Hello Friends, Since last two months I have been suffering from some thing unknown and it has completely changed my life, I don't enjoy any thing.

I am 28 years old, Height 5'5 / weight 60

The episode began like this -
Before around two months, one day while I was working on my laptop, suddenly I got a weird feeling from nowhere and my heart started racing and BP went to 140/80.
I visited the doctor that night and Had a ECG done, which came normal.. After that episode I have never been okey. I had similar symptoms of higher pulse rate, palpitation and fear of death.
Within two days, I got one more ECG done that too came normal. Within 10 days after that I got Echo done which too came normal. But still My symptoms won't go away. I have symptoms mainly at the morning.
I started diet control, exercise and walking. One day in the morning I became overly anxious and I took 1 tablet of propenolol and two tablets of sorbitrate (2 mg) one after another, but that did not help. I was filling like I will pass out, I ran to a cardiologist, he checked my blood pressure it was quite low (80/60), and heard my heart beat. Checked various reports of echo and ECG that I had done earlier, and said my heart is healthy and its anxiety. But I wasnt convinced and I got a stress test done within a week after that. Stress test too came normal.
Now after around 1 and half month of the starting of this issue, I got lipid profile done again and I got total cholesterol 180, HDL 52 LDL 105 (Earlier it was, total 230, hdl 42, ldl 170) - results are quite improved because of exercise and diet control. However still my issue has not been resolved. I will have palpitation, numbness in my left arm, dizziness, lack of appetite, extreme gaseous stomach, and some time spark of random pains in chest, back, legs that last just for a second or two.

I am really tired of all this now, I want to know whats happening with me. Please share what do you think about my issue and what should I do next ?
Do you think I should have CT angiogram done ?

Note: Since last one and half year, I have quit the job and working form home, which earns me better then my job, however that had reduced my activity level very much.

12-26-2012, 11:31 PM
Ur like me man I think we need to try pills

12-26-2012, 11:51 PM
I had similar experiences on year ago. Heart palpitations and chest pains and seventy ally trouble breathing. Got an ECG, multiple cardio visits, stress test, Holter monitor, and a CT scan forum lungs. All turned out clear. I started medication and therapy after getting diagnosed with GAD - this all has relieved much of the stress and minimized the palpitations. Now I only get them en I'm really stressed with work.

Try not to get too worked up about the palpitations since that'll likely only cause more palpitations! It's a vicious cycle!

Sudhir Nimavat
12-27-2012, 12:13 AM
I had similar experiences on year ago. Heart palpitations and chest pains and seventy ally trouble breathing. Got an ECG, multiple cardio visits, stress test, Holter monitor, and a CT scan forum lungs. All turned out clear. I started medication and therapy after getting diagnosed with GAD - this all has relieved much of the stress and minimized the palpitations. Now I only get them en I'm really stressed with work.

Try not to get too worked up about the palpitations since that'll likely only cause more palpitations! It's a vicious cycle!

I too think that It might be because of anxiety, however my mind isnt convinced, I think unless I have Angiogram done, I won't be able to accept that it's not heart related

12-27-2012, 07:16 AM
I have the same thing but my heart skips beats everyday. Sometimes every 2 beats for hours and days. It's very uncomfortable. I have had all the same tests as you and they say my heart is normal. It's very depressing because it disrupts my day and night and my work. When I do not have them I feel ok but when they start up I get scared and panic and then I still feel something has got to be wrong with my heart. But the say its only pvc's and it won't hurt me. I hate it!

12-27-2012, 07:44 AM
Everything you are describing is being described on this board everyday and it points to anxiety. If it makes you feel better, get the angiogram done. Ask yourself this: will i believe I'm healthy if the results come back good? It's very hard for us to do, but at some point you have to trust that your heart is ok especially after all the tests you have been through. Best of luck!

12-27-2012, 10:24 AM
Trust me, you really need to work on accepting its anxiety! You could spend thousands on your heart tests, which will come back normal, and your brain will tell its self it's not my heart it's something else. Then the cycle will repeat itself! It happened to me. I thought there was a heart problem and spent 15 thousand Dollar's in hospital bills to tell me there is nothing wrong. Then all my heart symptoms went away bringing on head symptoms like dizziness, weird visual disturbances, so I thought I had a brain rumor! Do you see the pattern? Get the anxiety under control and stop going to the hospital, once your anxiety has lowered so will your symptoms!

12-27-2012, 06:59 PM
Same has been happening with me. I'm 28 years old and I have just about the same symptoms.. They come and go and concentrating on other things helps but not for long. What can I take to help my palpitations? Does diet and exercise help? I went to the ER recently and they treated me with symptoms of a stroke!! I knew it was not a stroke but I got the tests done anyway which all came back negative. My Bp was always at 140/82.. I was extremely nervous. I don't know what to do to help my anxiety. I need advice. I'm new to this

Sudhir Nimavat
12-27-2012, 10:20 PM
Thank you all for responding.. Is it just coincident that my anxiety is at its peak in the morning hours, specially after 1 and half hour after I wake up. I feel nauseated as well. Things seems to cool down after noon

12-27-2012, 11:26 PM
Thank you all for responding.. Is it just coincident that my anxiety is at its peak in the morning hours, specially after 1 and half hour after I wake up. I feel nauseated as well. Things seems to cool down after noon

Same here....