View Full Version : Scared of atvian and citalopram

12-26-2012, 07:16 PM
I'm 26 male, when I was 12 I smoked weed as fast as u can smoke a joint and had a serious panic attack. For the next 8 months I was getting them everyday, I stopped going to school. I forgot how the hell I got over it cause for the next 13 years I was okay. I was traveling , had many girlfriend, partied ever week and got drunk, I was even in jail and nothing bugged me. Anyways in may I went to play soccer came home got really drunk and had huge attack. Went to er. 8 months later I think I went out once or twice I'm suffering 24 7 mind body and all. Can't breath, world looks fake, always nervous just hell. I have Ativan and citalopram since June and scared to take it. Now I'm fed up I wanna take it on New Years . What should I expect. Thx
O ya I was pretty stressed at the time over bad things but it's all gone but now I stress on this feeling

12-26-2012, 07:32 PM
even if i bike ride around the block im panicking

12-26-2012, 07:41 PM
I'm 26 male, when I was 12 I smoked weed as fast as u can smoke a joint and had a serious panic attack. For the next 8 months I was getting them everyday, I stopped going to school. I forgot how the hell I got over it cause for the next 13 years I was okay. I was traveling , had many girlfriend, partied ever week and got drunk, I was even in jail and nothing bugged me. Anyways in may I went to play soccer came home got really drunk and had huge attack. Went to er. 8 months later I think I went out once or twice I'm suffering 24 7 mind body and all. Can't breath, world looks fake, always nervous just hell. I have Ativan and citalopram since June and scared to take it. Now I'm fed up I wanna take it on New Years . What should I expect. Thx
O ya I was pretty stressed at the time over bad things but it's all gone but now I stress on this feeling

Hey there! Are you taking the citalopram regularly, or just when you feel anxiety, or not at all? I'm taking it, and have taken Ativan, but I'm on Klonopin now instead. They can't help you if you don't take them as prescribed. Give them a chance. They take the edge off of what you're feeling, so that you can act to tame your anxiety problem/source.

12-26-2012, 07:46 PM
Im not taking neither of them cause Im thinking its gna make me worse. And how do i put my picture like u did

12-26-2012, 08:34 PM
Im not taking neither of them cause Im thinking its gna make me worse. And how do i put my picture like u did

I take ativan when needed, it won't make your anxiety worse, it will calm you down so you could handle your anxiety. Give ativan a chance. I to get nervous/anxiety when I think I need to take the pill, but trust me I've had anxiety/depression for over 10 years and I take ativan as needed.

12-26-2012, 08:58 PM
I take ativan when needed, it won't make your anxiety worse, it will calm you down so you could handle your anxiety. Give ativan a chance. I to get nervous/anxiety when I think I need to take the pill, but trust me I've had anxiety/depression for over 10 years and I take ativan as needed.

How does it feel

12-26-2012, 09:24 PM
I take ativan when needed, it won't make your anxiety worse, it will calm you down so you could handle your anxiety. Give ativan a chance. I to get nervous/anxiety when I think I need to take the pill, but trust me I've had anxiety/depression for over 10 years and I take ativan as needed.

I would agree with this. Give them a chance. They can be very helpful.

Go to "My Profile" at the top.

12-26-2012, 09:24 PM
Hi gaza,

Like you, I am 26 and recently started suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I was homebound for a while b.c of my panic attacks, and my doctor prescribed me zoloft and xanax. Xanax is very similar to ativan...it's in the same class of drugs (benzos) so the effects are similar. I was incredibly hesitant to take the xanax after reading about it (like all of us anxiety sufferers, we tend to focus on the rare side-effects)...but, after 4 nights of not sleeping, I decided enough was enough with anxiety and insomnia, so I took a full pill as prescribed by my doctor. The first night made me very sleepy BUT I was happy to feel the anxiety symptoms (fast heart rate, uncontrollable trembling, inability to sleep, shallow breathing, etc) were significantly reduced. However, I told my doctor how tired I got from the meds (I slept 11 hours, and was sleepy during the day after taking it), and he suggested I cut the prescribed xanax in half. Taking a half-dosage really took the edge off my anxiety and panic without making me tired, and I'll even take it during the day just to reduce anxiety symptoms.

Ativan, like other benzos, will begin working within minutes to an hour, and the way it will make you feel will depend on your personal chemistry. Drugs effect everyone differently, but these drugs are not conscious altering. Most commonly, benzos allow you to be fully conscious and aware of reality, just with reduced anxiety symptoms. They can make your drowsy if the dosage is too high. I would suggest trying it out BEFORE New Years, especially if you have big plans for the evening. That will give you time to see how the drug makes you feel. It's also important not to mix benzos with alcohol...but if you take as prescribed, it will likely just reduce your symptoms of anxiety ... slow down your heart rate, regulate breathing... for me, the xanax helps even take away some negative thoughts.

Keep in contact with your doctor, you can always increase or decrease the dosage, or try different drugs that may work for you. If you drink alcohol often, you will want to be careful with ativan. The mixture of both is not beneficial. The best thing you can do is try it AS prescribed ... I was hesitant with the xanax at first, but now I am so glad I listened to my doctor and tried it out! I can go outside and drive on the road again without DAILY uncontrollable panic attacks.

You can do it!

12-26-2012, 09:29 PM
Hi gaza,

Like you, I am 26 and recently started suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I was homebound for a while b.c of my panic attacks, and my doctor prescribed me zoloft and xanax. Xanax is very similar to ativan...it's in the same class of drugs (benzos) so the effects are similar. I was incredibly hesitant to take the xanax after reading about it (like all of us anxiety sufferers, we tend to focus on the rare side-effects)...but, after 4 nights of not sleeping, I decided enough was enough with anxiety and insomnia, so I took a full pill as prescribed by my doctor. The first night made me very sleepy BUT I was happy to feel the anxiety symptoms (fast heart rate, uncontrollable trembling, inability to sleep, shallow breathing, etc) were significantly reduced. However, I told my doctor how tired I got from the meds (I slept 11 hours, and was sleepy during the day after taking it), and he suggested I cut the prescribed xanax in half. Taking a half-dosage really took the edge off my anxiety and panic without making me tired, and I'll even take it during the day just to reduce anxiety symptoms.

Ativan, like other benzos, will begin working within minutes to an hour, and the way it will make you feel will depend on your personal chemistry. Drugs effect everyone differently, but these drugs are not conscious altering. Most commonly, benzos allow you to be fully conscious and aware of reality, just with reduced anxiety symptoms. They can make your drowsy if the dosage is too high. I would suggest trying it out BEFORE New Years, especially if you have big plans for the evening. That will give you time to see how the drug makes you feel. It's also important not to mix benzos with alcohol...but if you take as prescribed, it will likely just reduce your symptoms of anxiety ... slow down your heart rate, regulate breathing... for me, the xanax helps even take away some negative thoughts.

Keep in contact with your doctor, you can always increase or decrease the dosage, or try different drugs that may work for you. If you drink alcohol often, you will want to be careful with ativan. The mixture of both is not beneficial. The best thing you can do is try it AS prescribed ... I was hesitant with the xanax at first, but now I am so glad I listened to my doctor and tried it out! I can go outside and drive on the road again without DAILY uncontrollable panic attacks.

You can do it!
Nice so when u take it u can leave your house?? I hope it works for me cause if it does im booking a damn trip.

12-26-2012, 09:39 PM
Hi gaza,

Like you, I am 26 and recently started suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I was homebound for a while b.c of my panic attacks, and my doctor prescribed me zoloft and xanax. Xanax is very similar to ativan...it's in the same class of drugs (benzos) so the effects are similar. I was incredibly hesitant to take the xanax after reading about it (like all of us anxiety sufferers, we tend to focus on the rare side-effects)...but, after 4 nights of not sleeping, I decided enough was enough with anxiety and insomnia, so I took a full pill as prescribed by my doctor. The first night made me very sleepy BUT I was happy to feel the anxiety symptoms (fast heart rate, uncontrollable trembling, inability to sleep, shallow breathing, etc) were significantly reduced. However, I told my doctor how tired I got from the meds (I slept 11 hours, and was sleepy during the day after taking it), and he suggested I cut the prescribed xanax in half. Taking a half-dosage really took the edge off my anxiety and panic without making me tired, and I'll even take it during the day just to reduce anxiety symptoms.

Ativan, like other benzos, will begin working within minutes to an hour, and the way it will make you feel will depend on your personal chemistry. Drugs effect everyone differently, but these drugs are not conscious altering. Most commonly, benzos allow you to be fully conscious and aware of reality, just with reduced anxiety symptoms. They can make your drowsy if the dosage is too high. I would suggest trying it out BEFORE New Years, especially if you have big plans for the evening. That will give you time to see how the drug makes you feel. It's also important not to mix benzos with alcohol...but if you take as prescribed, it will likely just reduce your symptoms of anxiety ... slow down your heart rate, regulate breathing... for me, the xanax helps even take away some negative thoughts.

Keep in contact with your doctor, you can always increase or decrease the dosage, or try different drugs that may work for you. If you drink alcohol often, you will want to be careful with ativan. The mixture of both is not beneficial. The best thing you can do is try it AS prescribed ... I was hesitant with the xanax at first, but now I am so glad I listened to my doctor and tried it out! I can go outside and drive on the road again without DAILY uncontrollable panic attacks.

You can do it!

i hope it makes me feel like you

12-27-2012, 01:52 AM
Yes, I can leave my house now. It's not a complete cure drug and I still experience anxiety often...BUT it reduces my symptoms of severe panic attacks and anxiety quickly. I take zoloft for more long term effects for anxiety, and it's only just started helping a little but takes longer. My therapist says, the xanax brings me close to back to my baseline when my central nervous system is on fire. I hope the best for you, and try as prescribed. You may need to mix with therapy, self help books, etc. This forum is great for community, too.

12-27-2012, 03:37 AM
I'm 26 male, when I was 12 I smoked weed as fast as u can smoke a joint and had a serious panic attack. For the next 8 months I was getting them everyday, I stopped going to school.

This sounds like the typical scenario where once you get a panic attack, it makes it easier to get more of them and you just go into them from very slight triggers because your mind remembers them. You have to retrain your brain to not go into the fight or flight response so easily. Drugs or no drugs, you must heal yourself. Don't smoke weed until tis gets better. Don't fall into the panic/anxiety pit. Read my sticky threads at the top with some good advice there. Taking Ativan on New years? WTF? These are prescription medication not something to party with.

12-27-2012, 03:40 AM
Xanax is one of the most addictive drugs known to man and withdrawals from it are severe. This is not something to just pop like candy and live on. Benzos are a very dark and dangerous path. They should only be used if absolutely necessary and should never be looked at as any type of long term plan or cure. I am sure many people here who were hooked on them can attest to this.

12-27-2012, 02:24 PM
This sounds like the typical scenario where once you get a panic attack, it makes it easier to get more of them and you just go into them from very slight triggers because your mind remembers them. You have to retrain your brain to not go into the fight or flight response so easily. Drugs or no drugs, you must heal yourself. Don't smoke weed until tis gets better. Don't fall into the panic/anxiety pit. Read my sticky threads at the top with some good advice there. Taking Ativan on New years? WTF? These are prescription medication not something to party with.

To start medication on New Years . There's no way I'm going out pieiod, let alone party on New Years .

12-27-2012, 02:59 PM
The citalopram has been prescribed to help. I've not had any side effects in the 3 weeks I've taken it. (I've only recently been put on it as my previous 3 meds - including sedatives - were just making me tired all the time & weren't working)

We're all here for advice & support on getting better & overcoming the attacks. But you have to take the first steps with the meds. Surely any minor side effects are worth being able to go out without fear.

I've had anxiety attacks for over 4 years & I've had a period of 4 months earlier this year with no attacks at all. This gives me hope that I can be panic free again. I think everyone can be.

12-27-2012, 03:48 PM
Im on citalopram too, this is my 7th day, I can honestly tell you there is nothing to be afraid of!! I was also petrified but looking back now I'm so glad I started, so far I've managed to go out and everything, seriously take them, they will give you your life back!!

12-27-2012, 04:58 PM
Im on citalopram too, this is my 7th day, I can honestly tell you there is nothing to be afraid of!! I was also petrified but looking back now I'm so glad I started, so far I've managed to go out and everything, seriously take them, they will give you your life back!!

What did u start with 5 mg or 10

12-27-2012, 05:08 PM
I am someone who once was addicted to Klonpins. I am against medication for the most part. 8 weeks on the stuff can be enough to have you hooked. I see no point in taking medication because they don't cure you anyway. The withdrawal getting off them is horrible and many end up in rehab from it! In an ideal world, you would take the meds for a month or 2 while you heal yourself then get off the meds. But I just don't see many people doing this. They take the pill, feel better, then go back to their life, or modified life according to anxiety and don't do the necessary steps I and others have outlined here over and over again. The only way to cure anxiety is to jump right through the fire and heal yourself. Even if you take the meds.

Look at 5 steps in front of you. What is your plan? You think you can just pop Xanax twice a day for the next 10 years? In life, you don't get anything without a price.

I am for mediation if it can prevent suicide or schizophrenia or sever mental disorders or when it just is absolutely neccesary. But the way doctors ire anxiety I just do not agree with. Anxiety should be cured following the right steps, not by taking an addictive chemicals. Don't underestimate the small things. For example: after doing 5 days of Buteyko breathing my anxiety was cut in half.

These are my opinions. Do whatever you want.

12-27-2012, 07:14 PM
Go natural..there are plenty of fruits and veggies, even nuts that contain a natural seratonin boost called tryptophan (what makes us tired after eating turkey)that works better and faster than citalopram, and without all the crappy side effects. I drink a banana, pineapple, oatmeal and milk smoothie every day and it has helped me more than any drug in existence.

12-28-2012, 07:11 AM
I am on 10mg :-)

12-28-2012, 08:42 AM
Go natural..there are plenty of fruits and veggies, even nuts that contain a natural seratonin boost called tryptophan (what makes us tired after eating turkey)that works better and faster than citalopram, and without all the crappy side effects. I drink a banana, pineapple, oatmeal and milk smoothie every day and it has helped me more than any drug in existence.

How so you make that? Sounds good:)

12-28-2012, 09:17 AM
I use about a half of banana, 4 1"-2" cubes of pineapple, 1/4 cup of regular oatmeal and 1/2 cup of milk. Sometimes adding a bit of leafy greens, carrot or other fruits like strawberries, mango, kiwi, etc make it even better. Flax seed also gives a good boost.

just add it all to a blender with some ice, blend and drink!

I was feeling pretty crappy last night, so I made one, within 15mins I was calm and most of the symptoms went away and I was able to sleep later on.

12-28-2012, 09:21 AM
I use about a half of banana, 4 1"-2" cubes of pineapple, 1/4 cup of regular oatmeal and 1/2 cup of milk. Sometimes adding a bit of leafy greens, carrot or other fruits like strawberries, mango, kiwi, etc make it even better. Flax seed also gives a good boost.

just add it all to a blender with some ice, blend and drink!

I was feeling pretty crappy last night, so I made one, within 15mins I was calm and most of the symptoms went away and I was able to sleep later on.

Do you cook the oat meal first?

12-28-2012, 09:23 AM
No, I did the first time and it was way too thick. I just add it in dry.

12-28-2012, 09:39 AM
I use about a half of banana, 4 1"-2" cubes of pineapple, 1/4 cup of regular oatmeal and 1/2 cup of milk. Sometimes adding a bit of leafy greens, carrot or other fruits like strawberries, mango, kiwi, etc make it even better. Flax seed also gives a good boost.

just add it all to a blender with some ice, blend and drink!

I was feeling pretty crappy last night, so I made one, within 15mins I was calm and most of the symptoms went away and I was able to sleep later on.

Sounds yummy! I will have to try this.