View Full Version : Anxiety is back...medication working?

12-26-2012, 02:25 PM
Hi all,

So it's the day after Christmas ... I just did three and a half hours of travel back from my parents to my apartment early this morning. It was a fine drive, and I had a mostly relaxing afternoon... I just had the strangest experience, though. I've been pretty good with panic attacks lately, no major panic attacks for about 2 full weeks! I've had some anxiety but I think 50 mg of zoloft is helpping ( I just upped it to 50mg two weeks ago). This afternoon, I was so exhausted that I took a nap from around 2:30pm - 4pm. I woke up at 4pm feeling incredibly confused, believing that I had slept the whole night through and then the morning and into the afternoon...anyways, this confusion about how I could have slept over 12 hours kept going through my mind, and caused me to have some panic symptoms, but not all of them. I was pacing, felt nauseuous, felt like I was going crazy and losing control, heart racing...but I wasn't uncontrollably trembling all over my body, like I usually do. Anyways, I figured out I only slept 1 1/2 hour nap, but I'm still shaken up about my confusion, like a brain fogginess or confusion. Is 50mg of Zoloft a good therapeutic amount? I've been on Zoloft for a full month now, 2 weeks at 25mg and 2 weeks at 50mg. I've been taking .25mg of xanax too, when I'm feeling extra anxious...I just took it now, and it calmed me down a bit...

Anxiety and panic are just really awful!! What kind of emotional work can you do while on medication to help rid of anxiety/panic attacks?

12-26-2012, 02:30 PM

Waking up dazed and confused after a mid-afternoon nap is not an unusual occurrence. It doesn't mean anything bad, it just means that you were really tired emotionally and physically. Good for you for starting Zoloft! Hang in there!
