View Full Version : how long does it take for the Central Nervous system to heal?

12-26-2012, 02:17 PM
So basically folks, my anxiety happened when I was taking a bunch of supplements. I was never born with anxiety, I have always been happy and LOVING life. I STILL DO! But a couple months ago (july) I was taking these preworkout drinks. I am not sure if anybody here is familiar with these supplements but they contain very high doses of stimulants. One of the main ingredients being caffeine and also Gaba to help relax and focus when lifting weights. Well I cycled off these stimulants for like 2 days and after that happened I suffered from a panic attack. I am almost certain these supplements played a role. It was bad. It was the typical very bad panic attack, it lasted for about a minute or 2 so it was not 2 LONG. Ever since July I have only had about 1 or 2 slight panic attacks. Its a blessing. I feel I can control them but every now and then one will sneak up. I have noticed though that I still feel "on edge" all the time when I think certain things. I get this feeling in my stomach like butterflies when you see a pretty girl or before you give a speech infront of a big crowd. It is now december and I am wondering if maybe in my personal case that my anxiety might go away with time? Maybe my Central Nervous system just needs time to heal from all the stimulants I was taking for months? I was on them for about 4-5 months. I have cut out all caffeine and stimulant products (coffee included) since it happened. I would just love some insight on this subject. I know Caffeine can screw with your CNS. The bright side is I feel good, I am loving life, I still enjoy working out, and I love all my hobbies still and I DO NOT let certain situations stop me from going out. I am fighting through it. The problem is i still get these negative what if thoughts and I overthink certain things and it causes me to get nervous...

12-26-2012, 07:56 PM
bro when i took NOexplode i had a huge panic attack n i stopped going to gym for a year. All was good till i got really drunk last may and im fkd ever since. i would like to know also when my body will heal.

12-26-2012, 09:18 PM
So basically folks, my anxiety happened when I was taking a bunch of supplements. I was never born with anxiety, I have always been happy and LOVING life. I STILL DO! But a couple months ago (july) I was taking these preworkout drinks. I am not sure if anybody here is familiar with these supplements but they contain very high doses of stimulants. One of the main ingredients being caffeine and also Gaba to help relax and focus when lifting weights. Well I cycled off these stimulants for like 2 days and after that happened I suffered from a panic attack. I am almost certain these supplements played a role. It was bad. It was the typical very bad panic attack, it lasted for about a minute or 2 so it was not 2 LONG. Ever since July I have only had about 1 or 2 slight panic attacks. Its a blessing. I feel I can control them but every now and then one will sneak up. I have noticed though that I still feel "on edge" all the time when I think certain things. I get this feeling in my stomach like butterflies when you see a pretty girl or before you give a speech infront of a big crowd. It is now december and I am wondering if maybe in my personal case that my anxiety might go away with time? Maybe my Central Nervous system just needs time to heal from all the stimulants I was taking for months? I was on them for about 4-5 months. I have cut out all caffeine and stimulant products (coffee included) since it happened. I would just love some insight on this subject. I know Caffeine can screw with your CNS. The bright side is I feel good, I am loving life, I still enjoy working out, and I love all my hobbies still and I DO NOT let certain situations stop me from going out. I am fighting through it. The problem is i still get these negative what if thoughts and I overthink certain things and it causes me to get nervous...

Hello, and welcome. I'm not a doctor, but that the supplements could have affected you in that way, is not only a plausible situation, but also not nearly the most bizarre that I have ever heard. So you're working on it. How are you controlling or managing the anxiety day-to-day?

12-26-2012, 09:34 PM
Hello, and welcome. I'm not a doctor, but that the supplements could have affected you in that way, is not only a plausible situation, but also not nearly the most bizarre that I have ever heard. So you're working on it. How are you controlling or managing the anxiety day-to-day?

I manage it by staying busy and just thinking positive. It takes my mind off stuff. I watch movies and stuff that make me laugh and I hang with my girlfriend who I love more than anything. Do you think in my case i Could heal over time?

12-26-2012, 09:37 PM
bro when i took NOexplode i had a huge panic attack n i stopped going to gym for a year. All was good till i got really drunk last may and im fkd ever since. i would like to know also when my body will heal.

I tell ya man! These preworkouts are insane....that NOexplode stuff has SO many stimulants in it...I was taking white flood when I had my panic attack..its not nearly as stim heavy as that...just make sure you are off all those stimulants and keep hitting the weights and fight through the mind set of the panic attack you had during lifting...your brain will adjust over time and get use to what you are doing. I just hope my nervous systems heals...

anybody who has gotten over anxiety knows pretty much that if you do not have symptoms that bother you... that your anxiety will go away because it will block the other stuff from happening.

anyone who has gotten over their anxiety is welcome to chime in =] lets all get through this together!

12-27-2012, 03:32 AM
I took a pre workout supplement a few years back like NOexlode and felt horrible! I went back and returned it and the guy looked at me like I was nuts! Yes, those pre-workout supplements can be way speedy. But my guess is that once you had a panic attack, your mind remembers it so you are having it again from your subconscious. I highly doubt there is any long lasting effect. I don't know exactly what's in it, but that's my guess. I think you may just be freaking yourself out. Look at it like this and see if it helps.
"Caffeine can screw with your CNS. " Were did you get this information? I call Bullshit!

My guess is your problem now is anxiety and has nothing to do with any substance. I'll prove it to you. Try this next time you feel the slightest anxiety come on and tell me if your panic attack goes away. Panic Attacks feel like you are on a drug anyway.
Try this: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

12-27-2012, 11:35 AM
I cant use any caffeine products including coffee. I hav had panic attacks frm pre workout stuff & coffee too!! I stopped all of it! The brain does remember the attacks i think is true!! Once u hav one u dnt forget it! But for caffeine products, all docs & therapist ive been to always ask if u use any of that stuff, thats the first thing say to stop doing!!! A basic dont consume it!!! Jst how long effects last after u stop, im not sure.

12-27-2012, 03:14 PM
Millions take various stimulants and don't have anxiety(eg, coffee). The anxious have a predisposition to anxiety being aggravated via stimulants though. Lay off all stimulants for now. Alankay

12-27-2012, 03:38 PM
This is what I have been talking about and nobody has told me about ALCOHOL BEING A STIMULANT. First of all, I don't know what these so-called stimulants are and what they do for anxiety, but whenever I drink even a few beers, I am fucked for an indefinite time. How does this affect my nervous system and how long does it take to heal and the anxiety to go away or can there be some permanent damage??


12-27-2012, 05:01 PM
Beers and workout supplements do not fuck you up for weeks or months. They trigger the initial attack and then you keep going back to it. Your thinkign about thsi wrong. From what I understand, it is after alcohol gets metabolized it either triggers adrenaline or turns into something like it.

12-27-2012, 05:02 PM
This is what I have been talking about and nobody has told me about ALCOHOL BEING A STIMULANT. First of all, I don't know what these so-called stimulants are and what they do for anxiety, but whenever I drink even a few beers, I am fucked for an indefinite time. How does this affect my nervous system and how long does it take to heal and the anxiety to go away or can there be some permanent damage??

I used to get drunk have a panic for 30 seconds and forget , till I didn't drink for a year then got smashed then the nightmare start

12-27-2012, 06:36 PM
Wow crazy! I took so much pre work out it put my heart into afib! After the afib I stopped all caffeine and that's when my anxiety emurged!

12-27-2012, 07:23 PM
You had a true Atrial Fibrillation diagnosed? You never had this before you took the pre-workout supplement?

12-27-2012, 07:57 PM
Correct! They said I overdosed on caffeine.

12-27-2012, 07:59 PM
How much did you take?

12-27-2012, 08:04 PM
I took the amount your directed to take plus I had like 3 energy drinks a day!

12-27-2012, 08:05 PM
I took the directed amount plus I was drinking about 3 energy drinks a day

12-27-2012, 08:09 PM
Oh. Haha that is a lot but I don't believe that is an overdose. Definitely I would feel like crap.

12-27-2012, 08:12 PM
Hey I'm just repeating what my discharge papers say

12-27-2012, 08:33 PM
Sounds like 6-7 cups of coffee right? Is that considered an overdose? Was there ephedra or Guarana in the supplement? Those are speedy.

12-27-2012, 09:38 PM
yea let me rephrase my question. No caffeine itself does not cause anxiety but yea..im sure it played a role in triggering my attack so I have cut it out....but due to the stimulants i was taking in, how long do you guys think it would take for the CNS to heal in general?

12-28-2012, 12:07 AM
You aren't understanding what I'm telling you or you just don't believe me. The stimulants did not cause any long term problem for you. You now have anxiety and it has nothing to do with the supplement anymore. They triggered your first few attacks, and now they are completely out of your system, and this is your mind going back into anxiety because it's a familiar place now.
You are asking the wrong question. Your question should be, "Now that I have anxiety, what are the steps to heal this?" Part of that healing process is healing your nervous system.

12-28-2012, 12:22 AM
what are ways to heal your central nervous system PanicCured? Thats pretty much what I am asking now. Sorry

12-28-2012, 12:36 AM
I really think it's helpful to get rid of the idea that you have been damaged by the supplement. It will only hinder you. Try and forget about it. You will then feel like you are a victim beyond your control. You want to get your power back.

Read these threads below please:



12-28-2012, 01:03 AM
Amazing information paniccured! Thank you so much =] Reading your post gave me HOPE that I WILL get better again 100%! =] Thank you for what you do. I realize that is was me that gave myself anxiety and not the supplements =] I will follow what you say...thank you so much again...if i have any more questions do you mind if i send ya a pm?

02-11-2015, 04:25 AM
what are ways to heal your central nervous system PanicCured? Thats pretty much what I am asking now. Sorry

Hey , i have the same exact symptoms as you described. Tho i took a different suppliment before running. It was lipo 6 which contained a lot of caffeine. I had panic attacks after , depression ... But im wondering how are you feeling now? Have you completely healed?