View Full Version : Agoraphobia and Social anxiety, ESA and ATOS medical assesment

12-25-2012, 03:39 PM
I am a Social phobia, OCD and Agoraphobia sufferer. These have been diagnosed by a healthcare professional. I have my first iTalk CBT appointment on January 17th (ish). I have been given a ATOS medical assessment appointment, the date collided with my toe surgery, so rescheduled for Jan 4th. The closer to the appointment I get, the more anxious I get. They fail most people on these. I can go out, but get anxious and anxiety attacks if I am in unfamiliar surroundings. I am ok at my Nans, my local shop etc... But anywhere bigger or further then I get bad. I am really worried about this appointment as they said it cant be rescheduled again. What can I do? If I fail I will no longer get ESA, which without, I cant afford to live. Has/Is anyone in or been in my position? What can I do?

12-25-2012, 06:53 PM
Hey there. I'm sorry that you are feeling do stressed out. I think I'm following that you have an interview regarding cash benefits from your government agency because of your mental health disorders? And that if they deny you, you will not have money to live on? I am actually in the same boat, but I haven't filed yet. I'm worried, too, so I looked up all the regulations regarding those things so that I can make sure my medical record reflects what they are looking for.

12-30-2012, 12:41 PM
Hi yes, the company that handles the assessments are very well known here for failing ill people, and the resulting in the peoples benefits being cut, if that happens too me, I cant afford to live!

Does anyone else know what I could do ? Its in 5 days! Saying I am SOOOOO nervous would be an understatement!