View Full Version : Hello from Portland

05-08-2007, 10:39 AM
I've suffered from anxiety since I was a small child (I couldn't tell you when it started because I don't remember most of my childhood). I suffered signifigant multiple traumas through adolescence and my teens. I was stalked for ten years by a sociopath. Needless to say, I have a few issues. I recently changed to a male doctor who I think is helping more in three sessions than the ten females pdocs that I have seen over the years. I've been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder, PTSD and Generalized Anxiety (with a potential for BPD, yeah!).
I try to keep my sense of humor about things. I'm on Klonopin for the first time and it is helping immensely (I have my moments). I have wonderful support from my husband of four years (he knows everything, the first person that I told everything to). We also have a three year old, who is my inspiration to get better.
Thanks to everyone who supports and gives advice on here.