View Full Version : Why am i miserable?

Slammed Vdub
12-25-2012, 10:52 AM
First off Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Ok so i have had anxiety on and off for 3 years now. And just recently i have began to feel different. Besides all the normal anxiety symptoms I have been in just a miserable mood. I used to be known for the person that entertained and made everyone in the room laugh. I can barely fake a smile anymore. Even to family its starting to show through. Its even budging in with my relationship. Im just such a nasty person it seems and no matter what i do i can get out of the mood. Its xmas here right now and I'm miserable. I know i want to change and just become the person i used to be and have a happy life, but for some reason i just cant. It seems playing video games or doing something active takes my mind off it and it goes away, but i am still short tempered.

A little about a background:I am 20 years old between careers, i still have no idea what i want. Left my job over summer and still waiting to hear back from another company. And since ive been out of work ive been doing nothing but sitting home which i feel isnt making anything better. Also ive noticed since i was diagnosed with OCD and GAD i was extremely sensitive. I cant watch people get yelled at, or watch someone get into trouble. Even on tv i find myself switching channels until its over or whatnot. I bring this up because growing up it was the COMPLETE opposite for me.

Any ideas on how to right my life?

12-25-2012, 02:41 PM
Anxiety can often lead to depression. Feeling alienated from your old self. Worried, paranoid etc will often lead people to feeling rather hopeless, scared and depressed.

Your avoidance behavior towards seeing people being in trouble...is that a reciprocation of what you avoid in real life? Situations where you might get worked up..scared etc which could lead to further anxiety or even panic and attacks etc?

20 years old is still early days. I'm 26 and not entirely sure where my life is headed to be honest. It's hard to know. Anxiety doesn't make it any easier and doesn't really make rational thinking the predominant driving force in a person's life. Deal with the anxiety and other disorders first and then take it from there.

You can't expect an overnight cure, but taking steps in the right direction should help your mood even though you won't be instantly cured. When diagnosed with these disorders, what was the doctors advice in tackling them effectively? I know CBT is good for anxiety, depression and OCD so it might be worth looking into that and get the ball rolling.
