View Full Version : Doesnt seem like its happening!

12-25-2012, 03:10 AM
So I've just opened my stocking as usual on Christmas Day,( I know I'm a little old) and am sit in my room with the tele on! But like every other day, none of this seems real, it's like I'm living in a 24/7 dream that I can't wake up from :(, can someone tell me If this is a serious medical condition or am I just going mad? Merry Christmas to you all x

12-25-2012, 01:12 PM
It's derealization or depersonalizatin. It really sucks. But the best you can do is continue on as normal. It will fade away. It's your brains way of dealing with anxiety. It's actually protecting you from it. I get that way. Water helps. Run your hands under a faucet, take a long warm shower, sometimes I will turn it cold till I can't stand it anymore then back up to warm. It's invigorating. Smell in your soap. And enjoy the small things. This too shall pass.

12-25-2012, 01:31 PM
I've heard just like native said feel stuff feel what ur sitting on focus on that or take your mind off it I've had this it went away but its back now I hate dealing with this shit exspecially on christmas :/

12-25-2012, 02:45 PM
Too much worry and fear dedicated to anxiety and symptoms lets them continue for a much longer period of time. Many of us have been there, and in time it passes. It might be due to a new symptom or worry taking over and distracting us. Or simply accepting it is anxiety and taking steps to treat the root causes of anxiety. Realizing that emotion and fear are the fuel allowing anxiety to continue to rule over our lives.

Worrying it's a serious medical condition or focusing on the "what if's" is fear playing on your mind constantly. If you can't accept it's anxiety and think it's something life threatening your fight or flight response in your brain will be working over time and you'll never truly feel safe. Thus the adrenaline continues, the fear continues and most importantly the anxiety fueled symptoms continue.
