View Full Version : have any of you ever had a heart attack from too much anxiety?

12-25-2012, 01:26 AM
so now days im trying to fight my anxiety but i had to go to the er a few times cause i was feeling like death and my blood pressure was elevated and i didnt wait i went to see the doctor right away and i told them i had a headache so they just give me pills and send me home but the pills didnt work so what im asking is if i confr ont my anxiety and it gets unbearable will the doctors save me from having a heart attack? and every new stress i add to myself makes me feel even worse and increases my blood pressure also gives me diarea which i cant control even with lomotil or immodium they just dont work and i did test possible and theres nothing wrong with me physicaly and im so worried i even have derealization and depersonalization for almost 2 years non stop now and a headache that hasint gone away since ,severe insomnia i just feel horrible in my everyday life so should i try to fight my anxiety or will i have a heart attack will the doctors save me before it happens?also when im stressed somethimes i can barely move my hands and feet for hours and my face ears and feet can go red and my stomach feels like being stabbed with a knife and pills weed or alcohol dont help me anyway thanks for reading

12-25-2012, 06:07 PM
Hey, there, Marki_Marc, and welcome! I'm sorry that you are so stressed out right now! How old are you? Are you in any kind of therapy? We're here for you! I hope you find the answers that you seek.

12-25-2012, 06:32 PM
no im waiting for therapy right now theres a place where theres all the psychologist and its for free but i gotta wait until im called and the women in charge said that she dosnt think i need a psychologist so i send a paper with what the actual problem is and shell decide what she will do for me after reading it but now no one is answering there probably because its the holidays and im trying to tell my problem to someone for help right now but im scared that il get so terrified afterwards that il die from a heart attack because like i said i had high blood pressure from anxiety before so if i tell my problem to this person and i do get this severe anxiety what should i do go to the hospital? will they stop me from having a heart attack?and i realy need to tell someone because its killing me inside and i know its weird but thats what happens when i tell someone so will the doctors save me?i dont wanna die afterwards and also im 20 years old male thx for reading

12-25-2012, 06:58 PM
If they are not taking you seriously, then you may need to seek treatment at the ER. That might actually help your situation to be taken more seriously, if you are hospitalized.

12-25-2012, 07:05 PM
maybe but what im asking is if i get this severe anxiety again will they stop me from dying?because i realy have to share this

12-25-2012, 07:12 PM
As far as I know, anxiety itself cannot kill you. It can make other things bad, such as blood pressure, and gastric (stomach) problems, but the uncomfortable anxious feeling cannot kill you.

12-25-2012, 07:15 PM
but if the anxiety gives you high blood pressure will you die from the high blood pressure ?

12-25-2012, 07:30 PM
How high was your blood pressure. Mine can get to 160 over 111 in an anxiety attack

12-25-2012, 07:38 PM
im not inventing this illness but i dont remember but i had to go to the emergency a few times for this and also this happened when i went to my family doctor and he prescribed me pills for the hbp

12-25-2012, 07:47 PM
Are you still taking BP meds? All of our blood pressure goes up during anxiety. I take a beta blocker to keep my heart rate lower and skipping beats. It does help keep my BP lower when stressed than what it was before I took anything but can still go up during stress just not dangerously high. That's why I was asking about your no readings. I would def go to doctor and let him check it and if your on meds for it then sometimes they need to change the meds to find one that works for you.

12-25-2012, 07:54 PM
Anxiety makes you fear heart attacks I know this all to well and scary as hell man but if its in your mind 24/7 it could happen but if you just relax exersize and eat ok your gonna be fine, it is as simple as that.

12-25-2012, 08:10 PM
yes and at first i was taking 8mg of atacand and i mesured my blood pressure and it was normal under slight stress but i checked it again another time and my stress was more severe so even with the atacand my pressure was still a bit elevated next time il remember the numbers and now my doctor switched for propanolol 20mg twice per day and i havent checked my blood pressure with this med yet

12-25-2012, 08:22 PM
i wanna reach out for help and tell someone i trust about it in the hopes of this person calming me down but if he cant do it im afraid the anxiety attack im going to have will kill me its killing me inside not to talk about it but if i do im scared i might die

12-25-2012, 08:27 PM
Have you tried writing your thoughts and worries in a journal first? Maybe you can do that and then work your way up to speaking about it.

12-25-2012, 08:39 PM
Well he has you on a good BP med:) and I bet even with you feeling so anxious you BP is prob not as high as your thinking it is. As long as your not having high BP 24 hours a day you should just not let it consume you. I know it's hard but you could be worrying for no reason. We all get stressed and BP will go up. Just like when I have a dr apt mine always goes up to 160/92. But he never put me on meds because it was not a constant reading. I was nervous to be there. Later when I checked it, it was ok so I knew it was just nerves. Go to a place that has BP checks and check it sometime when your feeling bad and see what it is. And then let your doctor know if its high so he can adjust meds if needed. I would just make an apt and let him check you again and tell him you feel it's high. It will rest your mind:)

12-25-2012, 08:43 PM
well i wrote what my fear was about on my computer with word and i print it so i dont have to remember what it is somethimes my thinking is very unclear and i dont write the proper things

12-25-2012, 08:50 PM
Take that to the doctor and tell him. Maybe you can get a benzo like xannax to help calm you down. I take clonopan to calm my nerves down. It really helps. It does not take away thoughts you have or some feelings but helps to just calm you down so when your thinking to much you can be calmer and not worry as much:)

12-25-2012, 08:56 PM
i tried already ativan,xanax,clonazepam all at high doses and it dosnt help one bit and i dont have any tolerance my doctor even gave me some oxycodone because of how bad my headache was from nerves and even that didnt help at all i also tried fiorinal codeine alcohol smoking weed benadryl i tried every pill there is for calming my anxiety and nothing has helped so far and weve done all the tests to see if there was something physical and everything was fine

12-25-2012, 10:55 PM

You are so focused on your fear you lack any type of goal to get better. You took ativan, klonopin, xanax, codein, oxycodein...do you know where that path leads you? DOWN!

Focus on your goal and do the necessary steps to get there. If you have high blood pressure, then do what it takes to have normal blood pressure. But if your blood pressure is only high during anxiety then what is the cure? Open heart surgery or treating the anxiety?

Can anyone panic so badly they have a heart attack? My guess is most people who have heart attacks do not come from anxiety attacks.

Read my posts at the stickies at the top of this forum please right now and practice them.

12-25-2012, 11:06 PM
i have a goal get rid of this fear but i just dont know how to do it

12-25-2012, 11:50 PM
i have high blood pressure when my anxiety is too high and your telling me to go ahead and die? you dont even know how scared i am of this the fear is so strong i rather have 2 broken legs im not kidding im afraid that i will have a heart attack and i have also all those terrible symptoms are you realy sure im not gonna die if i try confronting my fear again?

12-26-2012, 04:28 AM
You have got to get yourself together here! You are freaking out!
How high is your BP? 200/120 or 140/86?
have you ever heard of anyone dying from anxiety? Come on man! Plus you are taking Beta Blockers. Ask your cardiologist, "Can I ezcercise? Do I have to be worried about my heart gettin too fast?"

Anxiety- Read my posts at the top of this forum. They explain to you how to get better.
If you have high blood pressure, then you just do what the millions of other people do, and that is do the necessary steps to heal that. You can take medication until it is normal, then slowly get off the medication. If you are only talking about your blood pressure gets slightly elevated when you are in full freak out mode, then come on, man! Obviously it's just anxiety. Give me some numbers of how high we are talking.

People here seem to think our hearts are so fragile and needs to beat 70 bpm all day long or it will just pop! Have any of you ever watched sports before? If you ask a doctor how to strengthen your heart what will he say? "INCREASE YOUR HEART RATE THROGH EXERCISE! Will any cardiologist tell you, "Oh no! Do not exercise! You're heart can't take it. It will explode! NOOOOOOOOO!" Well, ok, if you have heart disease already and your heart is in bad shape he may tell you to be careful and start very slow. If you have bad heart disease exercise may be forbidden.

My fat unhealthy uncle had a heart attack. He survived. Guess what he did after to get better? Went to the gym! Guess what he did at the gym? Increased his heart rate.

12-26-2012, 07:45 AM
Do you take any drugs for depression/anxiety? Sounds like you may need Zoloft, or Paxil,Prozac or something to control your thoughts better. There is also one just for anxiety called buspar. I don't think you should worry so much about BP if your seeing a doctor regularly. And your heart is a very strong muscle. They say it can beet up to 200 beats a min for 4 weeks 24 hours a day before it even can start a problem. Of course they don't want you to let it do that. There are meds to control that , so don't fret over your heart so much. Mine skips beats everyday almost all day. But my doctor says I have a strong heart no heart disease and I will not drop dead. My heart rate gets to 160 when nervous. He said that's fine. Runners, swimmers, etc do to. I was watching golf one day and they had a meter hooked up to one and before he hit the ball his heart rate went up to 180 because he was nervous. It's a natural reaction:) if you sit and think about it all day you will drive yourself crazy. Get up and go for a walk to the store or what ever to take your mind off things. You have to distract yourself.

12-26-2012, 08:35 AM
Anxiety itself cannot kill you. Have you taken your BP? Slightly elevated BP won't kill you. To be in heart attack range, it has to be 200+/100+. I know after I had my second child, my BP waa extremely elevated....like 186/100-120. The docs started me on a small amt of BP meds, which I still take. Try not to worry too much, I think you will be fine.

12-26-2012, 03:12 PM
alright well i guess il just ask my doctor about the heart attack fear

12-26-2012, 03:14 PM
okay il check my blood pressure and get back to you when im in absolute freak out mode and il tell my doctor about the heart attack fear shes probably the best person who can calm me down when it comes to that and sometimes my headache from the anxiety is so bad i thought getting hit by a car would be less painful than that i wanted to kill myself of how bad it can be

12-26-2012, 03:30 PM
ok thx that helps and im currently taking 10mg of clomipramine for intrusive thoughts ive been taking it for about 2 weeks and when i see the doc again he said he would increase the dose i take it 3 times per day

12-26-2012, 04:34 PM
If your taking med for your thoughts just maybe I don't know but it happened to me that the meds made me soooo much more anxious that I had to stop taking them. But discuss this with your doctor. You can't just stop taking the med. you have to gradually stop if you have to.

12-27-2012, 01:13 AM
yea i know and so far it hasint realy done much its not any better or is it worse