View Full Version : Holiday anxiety

12-24-2012, 11:40 PM
Visiting my parents is a major trigger for anxiety. My family has had poor understanding of boundaries my whole life, and I'm really getting anxious just being in their presence. My mother is always talking about how negative everything is (how she is going to lose her job, how I'm so young and healthy and so I should do so-and-so for her, how things with our family is so chaotic), and when I ask if we can change the subject, she keeps talking about it 5 minutes later. There is so much resentment in my family that sometimes I have daydreams about one of my family members trying to kill me, and then try to think of an escape route. Whenever I need alone time, they take it incredibly personally making me want to get even further away. I've comforted my mom her whole life, like I was the mother comforting the daughter. I'm taking xanax to help with my anxiety while here, it's helping a lot actually. I normally don't take too much xanax, I'm on an antidepressant, but whenever I deal with my mom I take a half xanax and then just feel so much better...like I'm not absorbing her anxiety. Really just needed to vent, thanks for being so supportive...trying to have merry Christmas but the family environment rarely is, unfortunately!! :-(

12-25-2012, 12:06 AM

You try to have a merry Christmas, too. Hang in there!

12-25-2012, 05:57 AM
Hang in there, you will make it through....I'm like you, sometimes I just need 1/2 a xanax to mellow me out a bit. Things can get a bit stressful with my family also, but so far, we are doing ok......

Merry Christmas!!!!!

12-25-2012, 06:29 PM
I know what you mean, I wish I could come home for the holidays and enjoy it, but I get so anxious about everything it makes me feel awful. Even if I am overreacting to a situation, the whole thing gets out of control. It doesn't help that my dad is an alcoholic so I am waiting at every corner for things to go wrong/him to lie to me. This year certainly no exception. It then feels kind of hypocritical to rely on drugs to deal with his addiction?! I think I need xanax! xxx

12-25-2012, 09:17 PM
Thanks for all your support!! Merry Christmas, tomorrow is a new day. It's so hard to keep things in perspective sometimes - I'm so thankful for this forum! :)