View Full Version : Skipping heart again!!

12-24-2012, 07:37 AM
So I was feeling better yesterday and then when i went to bed the skipping heartbeats started up again! Every other beat it would skip. It's still skipping now as I type this! I did not fall asleep till 3am this morning after taking more clonopan I just don't know how I can keep going like this. They are so scary and uncomfortable. Even though I have made it through each one I still find myself scared of them when they are every other beat and so strong. I also had to keep getting up to pee like every 5 mins. I guess that way the anxiety? So now for 10 hours and counting my heart is still skipping and dancing around. I don't have shortness of breath or pains so I know it's just pvc's again but afraid of this horrible feeling:(

12-24-2012, 08:22 AM
So I was feeling better yesterday and then when i went to bed the skipping heartbeats started up again! Every other beat it would skip. It's still skipping now as I type this! I did not fall asleep till 3am this morning after taking more clonopan I just don't know how I can keep going like this. They are so scary and uncomfortable. Even though I have made it through each one I still find myself scared of them when they are every other beat and so strong. I also had to keep getting up to pee like every 5 mins. I guess that way the anxiety? So now for 10 hours and counting my heart is still skipping and dancing around. I don't have shortness of breath or pains so I know it's just pvc's again but afraid of this horrible feeling:(

Any other symptoms? buzzing around the arms/chest/hands? feeling uneasy? tense? nervous about an upcoming event? christmas? tired?

12-24-2012, 08:39 AM
Uneasy, tense and tired. Lol. But only when the heart starts skipping. If my heart is not skipping I may be a little tense but other than that I will fill fine. It's these heart beats that keep me up tight. I know I suffer with stress and even if I don't feel stress it's still there I guess and that must be why I keep having these skipped beats all the time everyday!

12-24-2012, 12:04 PM
Uneasy, tense and tired. Lol. But only when the heart starts skipping. If my heart is not skipping I may be a little tense but other than that I will fill fine. It's these heart beats that keep me up tight. I know I suffer with stress and even if I don't feel stress it's still there I guess and that must be why I keep having these skipped beats all the time everyday!

I feel you on this one have u tried taking pottasium ? I have skipping beats all the time :/ it's really hard & scary

12-24-2012, 01:37 PM
No. Does it help you? Or do you still get them anyway.

12-24-2012, 01:41 PM
Do yours skip almost all day everyday? It's driving me crazy today:(

12-24-2012, 01:56 PM
Do yours skip almost all day everyday? It's driving me crazy today:(

I know this isnt a cure, but have you tried any benzo's? Like Diazepam?

As an experiment - id like to know if these calm you. They do me during high nerve activity, which is the most likely cause of your spurious heart beats.

12-24-2012, 04:48 PM
Yes I am on clonopan for anxiety. It works the quickest in your system. It helps me to fall asleep after a bit when I am having skipping at night. I have had the skipping today and took one but it does not stop the skipping but helps me not to panic as much. It is just harder at night because I am so tired but the skip beats keep me up for about 3 hours then I think I finally give out and fall asleep like last night it was 3 am before i fell asleep and i got into bed at 11:00:( i was up and down all night. It's more annoying at night because I am tired and need sleep that it keeps me up but during the day I can kinda distract myself by doing other things but if I did that at night I would never sleep. Lol.

12-24-2012, 05:44 PM
No. Does it help you? Or do you still get them anyway.

Yea I take pottasium and they seem to help or tell ur doctor to check ur vitamin d level but pottasium seems to help me alot .. Yes mostly all day :/ it feels so wierd like all the skipping :/ ... Does it make ur body tired ? Do u seem to burp alot ?

12-24-2012, 06:14 PM
Does any of urs ever hurt??

12-24-2012, 06:52 PM
Where can you get potassium? And yes I seem to get the burps a lot when there really bad. When I just have them like every 20 beats or so I don't seem to burp a lot. But when they are every other beat, I always seem to have to burp a lot. And yes sometimes it does hurt. Not a bad hurt but like someone is either pinching my heart or thumping it with there finger and even a light squeezing feeling. It's really strange. I think the one that annoys me the most is when it pinches when it skips. I had my vit D checked and it was low and took a pill for 6 weeks and had more blood work done and he said it was ok now. I do give myself B-12 shot once a month because that has been low. It was low in Jan but the palps did not start till July. It was then 200 and now 600. But he don't se concerned. He said I did not need to take any supplements. But this is driving me nuts:(

12-24-2012, 06:54 PM
And yes, it makes me tired when I have them back to back like this. It wears me out quicker than when there just on and off all day.

12-24-2012, 07:03 PM
Have you ever been diagnosed with acid reflux/GERD? My doc told me my palpitations could be linked to my acid reflux. Just a thought.

12-24-2012, 07:06 PM
Have you ever been diagnosed with acid reflux/GERD? My doc told me my palpitations could be linked to my acid reflux. Just a thought.

I have I thought that was what they were from but I don't know it ranks my panic up

12-24-2012, 07:15 PM
I do know that many anxiety sufferers have GERD & and the symptoms of GERD often trigger anxiety. I started having the flutter in my throat and other symptoms of reflux before I had my first panic attack. Was diagnosed with reflux, put on nexium and now my palpatations have become few and far between. I was getting them everyday and now I get them maybe once a week at most. Not saying my case is typical but that's one less anxiety symptom I have to deal with.

12-24-2012, 07:46 PM
Where can you get potassium? And yes I seem to get the burps a lot when there really bad. When I just have them like every 20 beats or so I don't seem to burp a lot. But when they are every other beat, I always seem to have to burp a lot. And yes sometimes it does hurt. Not a bad hurt but like someone is either pinching my heart or thumping it with there finger and even a light squeezing feeling. It's really strange. I think the one that annoys me the most is when it pinches when it skips. I had my vit D checked and it was low and took a pill for 6 weeks and had more blood work done and he said it was ok now. I do give myself B-12 shot once a month because that has been low. It was low in Jan but the palps did not start till July. It was then 200 and now 600. But he don't se concerned. He said I did not need to take any supplements. But this is driving me nuts:(

Any store like cvs Walgreens or pharmacy store

12-24-2012, 07:47 PM
Have you ever been diagnosed with acid reflux/GERD? My doc told me my palpitations could be linked to my acid reflux. Just a thought.

How can you be diagnosed with gerd ? I've notice that after I eat I get it too

12-24-2012, 07:51 PM
How much potassium do you take a day? And I did ask my doctor about acid reflux but he said he did not think I had that because I don't have that taste in my mouth or burp up any acid. I don't get heart burn much so I am not sure. I do get palps after I eat too. Even if I had not had many palps that day, after I eat they flare up about 10 mins after.

12-24-2012, 09:31 PM
What are the signs of acid reflux.

12-24-2012, 10:38 PM
I was told it was acid reflux as well...take some pepto with water; see if they continue after 30 min


12-24-2012, 11:29 PM
How much potassium do you take a day? And I did ask my doctor about acid reflux but he said he did not think I had that because I don't have that taste in my mouth or burp up any acid. I don't get heart burn much so I am not sure. I do get palps after I eat too. Even if I had not had many palps that day, after I eat they flare up about 10 mins after.

There's to mg it's just a bottle that says potassium like today I didn't have them at all then when I ate around 7 10 min after I got skipping beats .. Then I are sugar cookies it started again I get so scared n I get this wierd feeling in the middle of my stomach it prolly is gerd cause wen I eat an amount or sugar or salt I get it it's hard to live with that :/

12-25-2012, 07:08 AM
How can you be diagnosed with gerd ? I've notice that after I eat I get it too

Heartburn, sore throat, acid taste in throat, feel as though you have a lump in your throat, chest pain, palpatations are just SOME of the symptoms. I went to my doc and told him what I wad experiencing and he put me on nexium and told me to stay away from foods that were highly acidic, alcohol, caffeine.

12-25-2012, 08:31 AM
Heartburn, sore throat, acid taste in throat, feel as though you have a lump in your throat, chest pain, palpatations are just SOME of the symptoms. I went to my doc and told him what I wad experiencing and he put me on nexium and told me to stay away from foods that were highly acidic, alcohol, caffeine.

OMG the whole time I thought it was anxiety & I have all those symptoms

12-25-2012, 01:55 PM
Is just burping a lot a symptom? That's all I have.

12-25-2012, 02:12 PM
Is just burping a lot a symptom? That's all I have.

Burping is one symptom. Is it only after you eat?

12-25-2012, 02:23 PM
Sometimes. But I always have to burp a lot when my heart is skipping every other beat. It's strange.

12-25-2012, 02:29 PM
I seem to burp even if I don't eat. Seem like I have air a lot. But when the heart starts going then I burp even more

12-25-2012, 02:44 PM
I seem to burp even if I don't eat. Seem like I have air a lot. But when the heart starts going then I burp even more

Honestly it could be many things. Allergy to some kind of food like nuts, celiac disease which is an intolerance to gluten, acid reflux, anxiety. There is a strong connection between our stomach and heart so it's hard to say without a docs diagnosis.

12-30-2012, 02:16 AM
My palps went wayyy down when I started taking 400mg magnesium citrate and 1g of fish oil per day. You might give that a shot.

12-30-2012, 03:46 AM
Did you get the Magnesium Glycinate like I told you? 600-800 mg a day.

Tell me all medication and supplements you are taking. This may be a side effect. In rare cases, I have heard fish oil can do this, but I would think some meds can too. List everything you are taking. I know you said it helped, but I have read people claim it caused them. That would obviously be rare but if one is already on fish oil, then it would be worth testing and stopping them to see. Also, Magnesium Citrate can cause diarrhea very easily. Glycinate is better. Citrate is even used a laxative. As with all of this stuff doctors are clueless about, you need to be your own guinea pig. I truly believe you shoudl be able to decrease these greatly. Please research Buteyko breathing. Basically for about 12 minutes you reduce your breathing to the point of creating a slight air hunger. Just slight and you are relaxed. This decreases CO2 coming out which increases oxygen in your body. Are you over breathing? But you gotta read the book.

12-30-2012, 07:28 AM
So I was feeling better yesterday and then when i went to bed the skipping heartbeats started up again! Every other beat it would skip. It's still skipping now as I type this! I did not fall asleep till 3am this morning after taking more clonopan I just don't know how I can keep going like this. They are so scary and uncomfortable. Even though I have made it through each one I still find myself scared of them when they are every other beat and so strong. I also had to keep getting up to pee like every 5 mins. I guess that way the anxiety? So now for 10 hours and counting my heart is still skipping and dancing around. I don't have shortness of breath or pains so I know it's just pvc's again but afraid of this horrible feeling:(

I have these skipping beats all the time and pounding in my chest. I also have pain under my left breast and when I press under there it feels like there's fluid bubbling ' since I have started having this pain under my left breast the palpitations have got worse think this is where I'm working myself up and thinking II'm having a heart attack .