View Full Version : Anxiety attack or not

12-23-2012, 08:42 PM
I have been dealing with anxiety for years but it feels as if my attacks are different. I really feel like I am going crazy now. My head pounds I feel like I have no pulse an I can't get enough air like I'm slowly suffocating. What do I do? I dot want to take clonazapam anymore what can I do

12-23-2012, 08:50 PM
Hi, kitmccain. Welcome! I'm glad you found us. Anxiety can make us feel a lot of stressful emotions, and can make us feel like we're going crazy. That's perfectly normal. Are you in any kind of treatment, aside from the Klonopin?

12-23-2012, 09:00 PM
Yes I see a regular doctor I only take klonopin as needed am I'm tired of needing it. Just lately it seems that at night it worse

12-23-2012, 09:14 PM
I agree. I freak out so bad at night. It's dark, and there are strange noises, and my cats freak out like a serial killer is coming through the door any second. I often take a Klonopin at night. I'd like to use it less, too, but it's there when I need it, and that's a comfort. What does your doctor think about the anxiety you experience?

12-23-2012, 10:30 PM
I don't like the night time either:( I seem to have more panic when it gets closer for me to go to bed. It stinks. I take klonopan too. How ever you spell it. I

12-24-2012, 07:04 AM
I agree. I freak out so bad at night. It's dark, and there are strange noises, and my cats freak out like a serial killer is coming through the door any second. I often take a Klonopin at night. I'd like to use it less, too, but it's there when I need it, and that's a comfort. What does your doctor think about the anxiety you experience?

I don't like the night time either. It's not a fear of any killer for me but more of having too much time to think. When I'm not busy, I think the worst and it's almost always at night.

12-24-2012, 07:25 AM
I'd consider psychotherapy to see if you can find a root cause for your anxiety. Maybe if the root cause(if there is one)can be found, something can be done about that and lessen anxiety that way. If there is no real root cause an AD might be tried and/or CBT. Discuss this with your doc and be glad the klonopin is there if needed. I think it's all anxiety releated. Alankay