View Full Version : A little scared- need advice and someone to talk to

12-23-2012, 08:07 PM
Hi everyone,

So I'm a 20 year old woman who has always had a nervous personality. I find myself worrying about things like my parents spending money on me for school and more recently for Christmas. I feel so guilty about all of the money they spend buying me "things" . I'm a straight A student who also runs track at a D1 school so by no means am I ungrateful or take advantage of the opportunities they give me. I just feel guilty and anxious every time I hear how much they spend on me. Recently my worries have taken a real turn for the worst. For about nine days I've been having heart palpitations all day and racing/intrusive thoughts that really scare me about mortality and death. It's worst around 6 or 7 at night and lasts about 2 or 3 hours. I had episodes like this when I was around 11 but I got over it and stayed panic free for almost 10 years. I'm scared this is going to last my whole life. Will I need medicated? I feel a little better writing it down so thanks for listening.

12-23-2012, 08:14 PM
I know sometimes it's hard to accept help without feeling guilty but I'm sure your parents just want to help you be successful. I'm 29 and my mom still tries to buy me stuff. It's a parental instinct to take care of their kids regardless of age. Honey, have you talked to anyone about your anxiety?

12-23-2012, 08:20 PM

Welcome! I'm glad you found us. I'm 37 and my parents still insist on paying whenever we get together. My dad and I actually got into a little fight about it, so I just say "thank you" now, and let him pay. Parents are funny that way. Night time is when a lot of us who suffer with anxiety suffer the most. As far as medication goes, I'd say just to have an open mind about it. Since you felt better writing out your fears, perhaps journaling your thoughts and feelings may help. I wish you nothing but the best!

12-23-2012, 08:59 PM
Hopefully its not to late to reply hello welcome I'm 22 and I know exactly what you mean Recently I got presents for my birthday and felt so utterly guilty about the one because I don't know how I feel about it and well anxiety. Same here my anxiety is worse at night sometimes recently I had an anxiety attack that lasted an hour and I didn't get to sleep till 1:13am or so which only made it worse.
This fourm is great no one will judge you only the situation and tell you what you need to hear tough love way or not depends but your not going crazy and you are NOT alone in this ^^

12-23-2012, 10:34 PM
Yes I love this site. We can let out what ever is giving us anxiety or panic attacks and not be judged. Others here understand because they go through it too. No one can truly understand us unless they have experienced it. All they do is judge us and think we're crazy and just tell us to snap out of it. They just don't understand:(

12-24-2012, 05:57 PM
Hey there!!!! I had my first panic attack when I was 14..... Went away til I was 20!!!! Then from 20 til now at , 3 weeks away from 30, it's still around!!! 2 years ago I finally took the meds!!! I lived every single day, every hour, all night with panic for 8 almost 9 years!!!! I was scare to feel this way but I was more scared to take meds!!! I will tell you this, I will take that pill everyday for the rest of my life!!!! It did not cure me, but my life has changed dramatically!!!! I still have the heart palps, a lot lately, but it's a stressfull time!!! Talk to you dr. Sounds like you can talk to your mom and that's great! Stay on this forum, it has been extremely helpful to me!!!!! After 10. Years of panic, I have finally found people who are ex actually like me, and it's sooooo reassuring! Try to have a happy holiday and enjoy your family!

12-24-2012, 06:56 PM
Hey there!!!! I had my first panic attack when I was 14..... Went away til I was 20!!!! Then from 20 til now at , 3 weeks away from 30, it's still around!!! 2 years ago I finally took the meds!!! I lived every single day, every hour, all night with panic for 8 almost 9 years!!!! I was scare to feel this way but I was more scared to take meds!!! I will tell you this, I will take that pill everyday for the rest of my life!!!! It did not cure me, but my life has changed dramatically!!!! I still have the heart palps, a lot lately, but it's a stressfull time!!! Talk to you dr. Sounds like you can talk to your mom and that's great! Stay on this forum, it has been extremely helpful to me!!!!! After 10. Years of panic, I have finally found people who are ex actually like me, and it's sooooo reassuring! Try to have a happy holiday and enjoy your family!

What meds do you take for your anxiety?

12-24-2012, 10:34 PM
Lexapro 10mg....