View Full Version : U all angry

12-23-2012, 07:40 PM
I know we all suffer major but let's try be happy successful people atleast u know :)

12-24-2012, 12:07 AM
How can a person really be happy, when they are not? Should we pretend like we are all happy here? I think the name of the forums says it all. You're not going to find chipper people on a depression/ anxiety forum.
I suggest you go to Disney world if you want happy.

12-24-2012, 12:45 AM
He's obviously in the wrong forum, we have to pretend to be happy? Just for the people around us! F@CK that!!

12-24-2012, 01:07 AM
I think its a great idea! And we deffinatly need more positive in our lives... Sometimes easier said then done. But a great idea... Now to find a way to acheive that i think is everyones goal

12-24-2012, 01:47 AM
He has a point. Not everyone on here is depressed and anxious all the time. At the end of the day you have to look for the good in a bad situation. If all you do is let depression and anxiety consume you then you're letting it win. You have to be pro-active in your approach to fighting it and make the most of what you have instead of wallowing in self pity and the paranoid angst filled world of anxiety or depression. It's prefectly do-able but it's a long journey and you will need help along the way.


12-24-2012, 01:56 AM
How can a person really be happy, when they are not? Should we pretend like we are all happy here? I think the name of the forums says it all. You're not going to find chipper people on a depression/ anxiety forum.
I suggest you go to Disney world if you want happy.

I had one of my worst panic attacks at Disney, Paris.. pmsl! (seriously)

It was an indoor space flight simulator type thing... simulating flight through an asteroid belt. An asteroid hit... flames appeared... the craft went bonkers... I had to get out of there!!! seriously bad panic attack which lasted hours after, LOL.

This could be an interesting thread regarding anger.

You know, ive learnt that my panic or anxiety attacks would often occur if Im forced to do something I dont want to. E.g. go shopping in a busy supermarket when Im tired & really dont want to.
Id get wound up or a little angry & this would stir the anxiety.
More often than not the lead up to it would be worse than actually doing it, however.

12-24-2012, 06:57 AM
Ha I felt I was too tall for the rollercoasters in Disneyland. I ducked proper low on the rollecoasters to avoid what I saw as impending decapitation. People sat waving their arms around. Do people not value their limbs?!?!


12-24-2012, 06:58 AM
I do think laughter is the best medicine but I don't think it will cure me. Sometimes I will just laugh because I'm frustrated at myself and yelling only makes me feel worse. So I will not be miserable all day every day because I am alive but I will not be as happy as I could be until I get this anxiety crap under control.