View Full Version : is the quote "no matter how many or how bad your symptoms get its just anxiety" true?

12-23-2012, 04:12 PM
i just wondered because my anxiety is getting better but my symptoms are getting worse,
today i've had
it's hard to type on a computer keyboard
difficulty speaking at times
not knowing what i'm talking about
feeling weak, dizzy and like i'm on deaths door pretty much
I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS AND IT'S RUINING MY LIFE! i'm scared i have an illness but i pray it's just my anxiety:/ help guys:/

12-23-2012, 04:23 PM
Hi, Ellen. Everything you describe could be anxiety, but I'm not a doctor. Are you being treated by a medical doctor or therapist?

12-23-2012, 04:44 PM
Hi, Ellen. Everything you describe could be anxiety, but I'm not a doctor. Are you being treated by a medical doctor or therapist?

nope, neither

12-23-2012, 04:48 PM
nope, neither

If your symptoms are affecting your life as bad as they are, you should go to the doctor and rule out an illness.

12-23-2012, 04:49 PM
but i'm too scared.

12-23-2012, 05:05 PM
Take a friend with you. You do need to see someone if it's affecting your life. They are there to help you & if you take a friend then you'll have support as well.

12-23-2012, 05:51 PM
Yes anxiety is just anxiety(a state of distress) and cannot turn into anything else. But it can be so bad it gets debilitating or at times debilitating because one can't always cope. Some get depressed. Some never get that bad but it is just fear and adrenaline fueled by worry. This can lead to some depression, loss of self esteem, reduced confidence, etc, but at it's core, anxiety is just fear and the ripple effects of it. I'd start with psychotherapy and go from there. Alankay

12-23-2012, 07:10 PM

It can be scary to get yourself checked out, but whether its a physical illness or anxiety, you need to know what is causing your distress. As suggested, take a friend if you are able. Make a list of your symptoms and try to note when they occur. Tell your doctor your fears, she is there to be your ally, and to help you through this. I wish you nothing but the best! You are worth it!

12-24-2012, 05:32 AM
I totally agree, you have to get checked out. All of the symptoms are and could be anxiety but could be something else too. Look at it this way, you are so scared of what the Dr. will tell you but then you will know and start to heal from whatever the Dr. tells you. As long as you don't find out and fear finding out your are caught up in a vicious circle of anxiety and uncertainty.
Take a friend of family member that understands your fears. Someone that doesn't will not help at all. Trust me, my Dad, God Bless him, doesn't understand anxiety, he thinks it is all BS and when I am anxious he is the last person I want to be around because he makes it worse.