View Full Version : Good anxiety?

12-23-2012, 03:32 PM
Does anyone's anxiety also get brought on by general excitement? I'm so excited for Christmas but its causing my physical anxiety symptoms to worsen :-( my stomach is in bits i feel sick constantly and again the old I'm pretty sure I have some form of cancer is back!! I know It's just anxiety but a day doesn't go by without that horrible dooming feeling :-(
P.s hi everyone I'm new


12-23-2012, 04:21 PM
Hi, Sarah, and welcome! Yes, my anxiety gets worse around the holidays, and we don't even celebrate. I've been taking a lot more Klonipin lately.

12-23-2012, 04:35 PM
Yes. Sometimes I feel like I am on a high feeling good mentally but the adrenalin kicks in and I get the symptoms It's strange. Like now I am in a good mood but my legs are tingling and I feel sick to my stomach and very tired but don't feel nervous at all. Very relaxed.