View Full Version : Hi everyone! I am new hear!

12-23-2012, 05:50 AM
I am new to this site but not to the anxiety. In a nutshell:
10 years of meds and fear.
1 year of debilitating fear (the first one), wouldn't drive, eat, go outside much or anything. Lost a ton of weight and worst of all time with my growing children.

I am on Celexa and Klonopin. I for the most part do great but lately have been having a horrible time.
How about everyone else? Is this just the holiday hustle and bustle or what?
It has been a stressful year though, husband had to file bankruptsy, the financial stresses are enough to drive the most stable person over the edge.

I am looking for new techniques to add to my anxiety war. What does everyone else do to relax and get through an attack? At home or in public, I would really like to know what others are doing to get it to pass.

Hope I get some good feedback.

Much love to all the other anxiety sufferers here!

12-23-2012, 07:25 AM
Sure, the Holidays can lead to stress and anxiety. Plus all the other financial stuff could sure cause a spike in anxiety. You'll get through but ask about bumping the celexa up if you're just at 20 mgs. Limit caffeine, alcohol, get a some light aerobic exercise and talk openly to a counselor about your anxiety and life stresses. Alankay.

12-23-2012, 09:29 AM
I am at 20 mg, he tried to bump me to 40 but after 2 weeks I took myself back to 20 because I could not concentrate at work with the horrible brain pings I was getting.

12-23-2012, 11:08 AM
I have found that yoga does a great job relaxing me. Vigorous exercise does OK for me but sometimes the heavy breathing triggers an attack. I also drink camomile tea before bed.

12-23-2012, 12:43 PM
I am new to this site but not to the anxiety. In a nutshell:
10 years of meds and fear.
1 year of debilitating fear (the first one), wouldn't drive, eat, go outside much or anything. Lost a ton of weight and worst of all time with my growing children.

I am on Celexa and Klonopin. I for the most part do great but lately have been having a horrible time.
How about everyone else? Is this just the holiday hustle and bustle or what?
It has been a stressful year though, husband had to file bankruptsy, the financial stresses are enough to drive the most stable person over the edge.

I am looking for new techniques to add to my anxiety war. What does everyone else do to relax and get through an attack? At home or in public, I would really like to know what others are doing to get it to pass.

Hope I get some good feedback.

Much love to all the other anxiety sufferers here!

Hey there, Goofy, and welcome! I use the skills taught in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT). You can find out a lot of info for free on the web. It's kind of long, which is why I don't fully explain it here, but in a nutshell, it teaches you skills in the following areas: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotional Regukation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. I really love it, because it teaches you more skills that you will probably use, since each one is not for everyone. It's like having a huge toolbox full of different tools to use when combatting anxiety, depression, anger, etc. Whether you decide it is or is not for you, I'm glad you're here and wish you the best of luck!