View Full Version : Fatigue - Drug result, or living circumstances?

12-23-2012, 12:19 AM
Hi guys,

So I'm taking an SSRI right now, Citalopram 20mg once daily to be exact, which is taken when I wake. Lately I've been struggling quite a bit. I've recently moved back into my parents house for the winter break, so I'm sleeping in a different bed to the one I normally share with my partner at my home. I mention that in case it could be responsible, but I think probably not.

Since I moved back, I seem to have been struggling with my sleeping. I have been on citalopram for just a month at this point. Right now, I'm sleeping approximately 10-11 hours a day. If I've slept 7, I'll feel absolutely exhausted and end up falling asleep 10 hours after that point and getting a full nights sleep anyway.

When my partner tries to get me up after 8-9 hours of sleep, I am exhausted. I can't seem to respond well, and I have no ability to get up of my own accord.

When I'm up, I feel relatively disoriented, dizzy and struggling to stay awake. After some food, and a bit of time, this improves, but I'm generally sleepy throughout the day, despite my long sleeping time.

Normally in the past, I slept a solid 7-8 hours of sleep with no issue of discomfort.

May I ask what anyone could suggest could be an issue? I have a doctors appointment some time next week. I'll make sure to discuss this with him, but I was wondering if anyone thinks this could be a side effect of the drug, and any tips for fatigue in general? It's not something that is making me particularly anxious, and my levels of depression are at an all time low right now, I've been elated. But I wonder if it is related to anxiety or the treatment of anxiety.

Thanks, enjoy the Christmas period everyone. :)