View Full Version : New glasses = anxiety is it all in my head?

12-22-2012, 01:54 PM
Edit: So it's been a day and they don't fit properly this is okay and all morning I was fine but now suddenly eye strain in my left eye and I'm worried its because of the size of the glasses I chose 337 so now I'm second guessing my choice even though I do like the size if its going to cause me eye strain then that kind of defeats the purpose so Idk what to do

I know I do this too much I'm sorry ^^;
I just got my new glasses which size wise are bigger then my old pair and also a new prescription to be able to see of course. When I fist put them on my heart was pounding like crazy like an anxiety attack, My sinuses also felt soar and reading on the computer at first hurt my eyes/head and I feel nauseous

My mom says its all in my head I think it might be a combination of thing (new glasses, being hungry, other stuff) I know as soon as I post this something will happen and I'll feel all better I know I shouldn't be using the forum for trivial stuff but that feels-like-a-heart-attack-heartbeat at the glasses place freaked me out and well you all know how it is

I should mention that I AM taking steps to get help My mom is chatting with people about finding me job opportunities, and may have found me a doctor after the doctor is of course getting me a therapist but first we need the doctor my appoimnet with him is january 21st

12-22-2012, 02:01 PM
Hey there! You can post whatever you're feeling. You don't have to justify your emotions to us! We all know what anxiety feels like and that it makes us think different things. I am so glad to hear you are taking steps toward your recovery! Don't be concerned that its going to be a while. It takes a while or everything in the medical field. I have 2 important tests scheduled for January 30. I would say to give yourself some time to adjust to the glasses, but if they don't seem right after a few days, go back and make sure that they got the prescription correct and that the lenses are on the right side.