View Full Version : Anxiety and a cold/flu

12-22-2012, 11:52 AM
I have been sik but 2 days ago my chest and my upper back has been hurting im scared wt if i have pneumonia? I sony have fever bt i feel short of breath wen i do sumthing and then i panic. Any advice? Oh and it hurts wen i take a deep breath is it normal? Thanks

12-22-2012, 01:48 PM
You should probably see your doctor so they can listen to your lungs and either rule it out, or treat you for it. I think you could just have a bad cold, but we can't listen to your lungs to be sure.

12-22-2012, 02:01 PM
Hey, do you smoke at all?

12-22-2012, 02:08 PM
No i dont smoke and i dont drink. I feel a little better but it was my chest hurting. It hurts a little. And i would go to the doctor but im out of town and i dont even know where a hospital is at.

12-22-2012, 02:33 PM
If you have the flu, it's normal for you to have body aches. I had the flu yesterday. Had fever of 103, because I'm hot blooded check it and see >.> but yeah had a fever and had terrible sinus pressure, but even when I got the fever to go down to 99, I'd have these TERRIBLE body aches. Chest, entire back, legs. Was squirming around everywhere.

You say it hurts when you take deep breaths. Does it hurt down in your lungs, or your throat? Sickness paired with anxiety is terrifying, because you just don't know what's happening, you can't rule out if something is just you being sick or if it's something else and that makes you scared.

The only way to be sure, is what others here suggested. See a doctor as soon as you can. Don't go reading stuff on google, that stuff will make a cough look like lung cancer. Looking up symptoms on google is never good for us anxiety sufferers. Good luck! :D

12-22-2012, 03:40 PM
I have been sik but 2 days ago my chest and my upper back has been hurting im scared wt if i have pneumonia? I sony have fever bt i feel short of breath wen i do sumthing and then i panic. Any advice? Oh and it hurts wen i take a deep breath is it normal? Thanks

If you're running a fever and hurts to breathe, you should go to the doc. Just to be sure it isn't something more than anxiety.

12-22-2012, 04:10 PM
Being sick and having anxiety makes the sickness 10 times worse you should go to the doctor just to make sure everything is ok though

12-22-2012, 06:57 PM
I have been sik but 2 days ago my chest and my upper back has been hurting im scared wt if i have pneumonia? I sony have fever bt i feel short of breath wen i do sumthing and then i panic. Any advice? Oh and it hurts wen i take a deep breath is it normal? Thanks

How old r u? I caught pneumonia when i was 28. Im 30 now. It was also misdiagnosed to start with until i had a chest xray. Don't panic about it though. Even if you did have it you can be treated for it and you will be fine. I lived through it after having the thoughts it would somehow kill me. Go get checked out spd take it easy

12-22-2012, 06:58 PM
That was meant to say AND take it easy lol

12-22-2012, 08:56 PM
I have been sik but 2 days ago my chest and my upper back has been hurting im scared wt if i have pneumonia? I sony have fever bt i feel short of breath wen i do sumthing and then i panic. Any advice? Oh and it hurts wen i take a deep breath is it normal? Thanks

whoop, whoop whoop whoop... gangnam style...

12-23-2012, 08:55 AM
Im 21 what were your symptoms wen you were told you had pnemonia?

12-24-2012, 08:41 AM
It started with a few days of very high fevers. Then ended up with a cough. I was a bit weak for a few weeks too. Pretty sure i ended up with antibiotics to treat it and the worked pretty quickly