View Full Version : feeling anxious for a couple days after panic attack normal?

12-22-2012, 11:46 AM
is it normal to have a nervous anxious feeling for a couple days after a panic attack? Last night I intentionally induced myself into a panic attack to rid myself of fear of them. I read that you should attack what causes your panic attacks head on. So I said screw it, im going in and im coming out alive! As of today I am less scared of them but i still have this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I feel so optimistic today, and I feel great. Just I still have a nervous anxious feeling, but overall i feel better...is this normal folks?

12-22-2012, 11:52 AM
With my anxiety I'm nervous/anxious 24/7 so I wouldn't worry about a couple days :)

12-22-2012, 11:56 AM
Same here I had a panic attack last night woke up with it and today I feel like soon things and trying to avoid my panic attacks but like you I feel anxious and shaky and nervous my heart is not going fast but I feel faint and dizzy it's a weird feeling and I dislike it.

12-22-2012, 11:59 AM
I hear ya aidendean..its a terrible butteflyish feeling...the only reason i was able to go so long without anxiety problems is because I avoided thinking about certain things that trigger it...i got tired of living my life in fear of them..so i wanted to fight the root of the source and the root of the problem and not be scared anymore. I really think I succeeded. But I have this nervous anxious feeling in my stomach...the kind you get when you see a pretty girl you like, or before you give a speech infront of people! Overall it is not that bad as it used to be when i FIRST had a panic attack! That time was horrible...this time I felt more in control...but I feel like today I am on edge...hopefully it improves in a couple days...anyone else is welcome to chime in..=]

12-22-2012, 12:02 PM
yep, its that horrible feeling you are left with after it happens...when it happened to me the first time i felt crappy, down in the dumps, for like a good 2 weeks. Now though..its not as bad or scary anymore...I guess when you learn to accept them they do not bother you as much...after all..panic attacks are nothing more than a adrenaline rush and are completely normal.

12-22-2012, 12:30 PM
Aidendean: I can't reply to ur PM doesn't allow me but yes I do have an account

12-22-2012, 12:37 PM
Oh okay mines deanoking15 add me whenever you can :) thank you!

12-22-2012, 03:49 PM
is it normal to have a nervous anxious feeling for a couple days after a panic attack? Last night I intentionally induced myself into a panic attack to rid myself of fear of them. I read that you should attack what causes your panic attacks head on. So I said screw it, im going in and im coming out alive! As of today I am less scared of them but i still have this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I feel so optimistic today, and I feel great. Just I still have a nervous anxious feeling, but overall i feel better...is this normal folks?

Yes it's normal for anxiety sufferers. I'm anxious nearly all day, everyday.

12-22-2012, 05:01 PM
Keep moving forward. Keep going past it. Panic attacks are an adrenaline rush but you need to heal your nervous system from being so sensitive. This is done by lifestyle changes, habit changes, supplements, and retraining your brain how to not add fear to the fear.

12-22-2012, 10:13 PM
Keep moving forward. Keep going past it. Panic attacks are an adrenaline rush but you need to heal your nervous system from being so sensitive. This is done by lifestyle changes, habit changes, supplements, and retraining your brain how to not add fear to the fear.

so the key to really combating your anxiety is getting over your fears? You eliminate you fears, you eliminate the worry, you eliminate the panic correct? I am in the process of doing this and I am already starting to feel better...I woke up this morning and felt amazing and confident. :)

12-22-2012, 11:38 PM
is it normal to have a nervous anxious feeling for a couple days after a panic attack? Last night I intentionally induced myself into a panic attack to rid myself of fear of them. I read that you should attack what causes your panic attacks head on. So I said screw it, im going in and im coming out alive! As of today I am less scared of them but i still have this nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I feel so optimistic today, and I feel great. Just I still have a nervous anxious feeling, but overall i feel better...is this normal folks?

Check out this video on YouTube:


12-23-2012, 01:54 AM
hey my friend! Thanks for the video. I wouldnt say I am depressed however =] I love my life, I continue to love the things I do. But I have noticed that whenever I am outside relaxing I feel great. Winter though is so Blah to me. I guess thats why alot of people suffer from seasonal depression.

12-23-2012, 03:59 AM
A very good point to make is that you can bring on a panic attack or pain or symptom if you dedicate enough focus, worry, fear, emotion to it. That's what anxiety feeds off and if we bestow enough time and energy on something it will happen. Whether it be a panic attack or chest pain or racing heart. If we can convince ourselves so readily we're in danger the fight or flight will kick in and respond to whatever perceived threat we think is around us or, more often, inside our bodies.

Winter can be a difficult time, if you're not getting enough time out in the sun it's probably worth looking for a vitamin D supplement to help top up the current lack most of us get during the winter period. It's common to feel anxious after a panic attack. It's common to feel anxious a lot when you get panic attacks etc.

Distraction is wonderful and can provide genuine relief. It's best to keep busy, remind yourself that no situation actual is "unsafe" or provokes attacks. The sooner you accept it's anxiety that causes these issues and not say going to the dentist, or going outside to shop etc (where attacks may have occured in the past), the sooner you'll take back control of your life.
