View Full Version : Marijuana

12-22-2012, 03:26 AM
Sorry for the length but..

Lately I've been talking to one of my friends who's a total pot head and she knows about my anxiety, she says her best friend has bad anxiety and that smoking weed will help you, now I've been a skateboarder for as long as I can remember And being apart of that culture, a lot of my friends smoke weed but a lot of my friends don't and very curious if smoking would help my anxiety. I'm almost torn because I've always wanted to try it but I have always always turned it down because I would feel as though I let my friends and family down, I also feel like I would be scared of getting high because it could make my anxiety worse. The other side to that is that it could make my anxiety very low and I really don't know what would happen. Have any of you tried it to see if it lowers your anxiety? If so did it help or just make your anxiety worse?

12-22-2012, 03:41 AM
No, it really won't. Clearly she hasn't hit the stage yet where weed has turned her into an anxious paranoid wreck. But it will happen. Trust me. Like any drug, the only reason it might seem like it's helped her with whatever issues she's trying to hide from is because it numbs you wsomewhat. Makes you utterly indifferent to dealing with problems in life. Drugs don't address root causes, they numb the body to pains, or worries or whatever else might be occuring. The only time i'd recommend a drug..whether legal or illegal is if it was literally keeping your body functioning so you could live. However it's virtually impossible an illegal drug would do that. When you smoke weed it's all too easy for it to slip into a daily routine. You just coast along in a fog. It makes you lazy, indifferent and selfish. Not to mention possible long term mental and physical side effects.

I was a stoner for 7 years, and in the end it brought on this entire anxiety episode that's lasted about 20 months now. A lot of stoners try to justify their vice. But don't pay any attention to is. There comes a point in every stoners life where they realize they've wasted a huge portion of their life doing nothing. It might take a few months, a few years..even in some cases a few decades.

I quit for 6 months and anxiety got no better. I relapsed I thought to myself "my anxiety can't get any worse" oh how wrong I was. That first spliff after quitting for so long. Apart from the gut wretching disappointment in myself, it brought on the worst panic attack i've ever suffered. If you're an anxious person the chances are much higher you won't enjoy being stoned. It'll lead to worry and fear and panic. Thankfully since then i'm now nearly 6 and a half months free of weed.

Trust me on this, you're better off tackling this anxiety in a sober state of mind.


12-22-2012, 04:01 AM
Yea I have to agree here, dont go smoking pot if you have anxiety. It's not a great drug. Anyone who advocates it's use are not really thinking or are ignorant of any possible downsides. It certainly won't help you, at best it will numb you for a while. Truth is getting stoned maybe fun for 5mins but it's not worth the hassle. If you wanna talk pm me.

12-22-2012, 05:10 AM
I agree! Don't do it. If you think it could make you worse then your mind will feed of that and make your anxiety worse. That's the great thing about anxiety. When I'm scared to take medication chances are if I take it I will feel worse cause I think I will. When I'm not scared or anxious to take something is when I don't get anxiety from taking it. I smoked for years and was fine then one day I started getting paranoid every time I smoked. It's not worth the gamble.

12-22-2012, 07:50 PM
Seriously. Don't do it.

So. Many people here suffered their first massive/major anxiety attack due to smoking. It's not even worth the risk. It's how's hand in hand with anxiety, depression and worse.

I do not know a single well adjusted pothead. If you didn't have anxiety or underlying mental health issues casual use won't hurt you, but with anxiety it most likely will make you worse.

12-22-2012, 07:52 PM
Thanks for the opinions you guys!

12-22-2012, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the opinions you guys!

You already think the most weirdest, craziest thoughts.. smokin weed will put you in an early grave.

Get a grip.. & be normal.