View Full Version : worried of having a heart attack?

12-21-2012, 10:38 PM
so now im trying to confront my anxiety which feels like the worst pain in the world im not relieved by any medication of any kind from benzodiazepines to opiates prescribed by my doctor and because of that i had to go many times to the er because my blood pressure was elevated and they coudnt do anything to lower it so i went there basicly for nothing so what im asking is how am i supposed to fight my anxiety if im at risk of having a heart attack?and i might not be able to prevent it?no matter how many times i try to confront is never go away and every new stress added makes me feel worse and worse no drug help at all and i tried at high doses and i dont have any tolerance to them because i barely take any and btw ima 20 year old male and im physically healthy so should i avoid confront my anxiety if my blood pressure might get elevated to the point of being dangerous or should i do it anyways?

12-21-2012, 10:42 PM
Hey Marc, normal fear of anxiety is heart related...which often causes and is caused by anxiety...what are you doing to deal with your anxiety?


12-21-2012, 11:15 PM

I'm sorry that you're struggling right now. If meds won't work, what are your plans to deal with it? Like counseling, etc? And does nothing regulate your BP like atenolol, etc?


12-21-2012, 11:21 PM
well i was prescribed propanolol and it depends normaly when i take it my bp is normal but when i stress out too much my bp is elevated anyways and im planning to try counseling soon

12-21-2012, 11:33 PM
Starting counseling is probably a great idea. Good for you! And your BP can still spike when stressed, even on meds to lower your BP. I have it myself.