View Full Version : Scared to sleep?

12-21-2012, 08:18 PM
Me again!

Does anyone else get scared of going to sleep, I know it sounds stupid but my head is telling me that if I go to sleep I won't wake up again, because my heart will stop breathing and my brain will stop working :/ I know I can take sleeping pills etc but it's every night now, I guess I'm just scared :(

12-21-2012, 08:36 PM
Me again!

Does anyone else get scared of going to sleep, I know it sounds stupid but my head is telling me that if I go to sleep I won't wake up again, because my heart will stop breathing and my brain will stop working :/ I know I can take sleeping pills etc but it's every night now, I guess I'm just scared :(

Me too I feel like that all day & night

12-21-2012, 08:39 PM
That sounds pretty scary. My nighttime fear is that someone will break in and kill me. In reality, we're both completely safe. Now if we could only convince ourselves.

12-22-2012, 06:17 AM
I am having this ordeal tonight.

I've been working myself silly at the Gym, exhausting myself each time I go and some nights I feel like I've over-done it and will stretch my boundaries that I won't wake up from that nights sleep.

12-22-2012, 08:00 AM
Me again!

Does anyone else get scared of going to sleep, I know it sounds stupid but my head is telling me that if I go to sleep I won't wake up again, because my heart will stop breathing and my brain will stop working :/ I know I can take sleeping pills etc but it's every night now, I guess I'm just scared :(

I do sometimes fear I won't wake up but I usually just pop a sleep aid and that helps me sleep...not all the time but most of the time.