View Full Version : Does anxiety/panic always feel like your dying?

05-07-2007, 08:17 PM
Hi there, I've been suffering from anxiety for something like 5 months now, I wrote a post on how I witnessed my father die from a heart attack (you might have read it) anyhow, i was wondering if everyone who has anxiety or panic feels the symptom of "impending doom" like you are going to die. Because honestly, i get that a lot and it's very annoying and scary. I could be laying in bed and my heart jumps and i then i get adrenaline rushes and feel as though i myself am having a heart attack, although i'm only 23. I don't know if this is associated with sympathy pains from how my dad died or is it a very general symptom?

I've been to my doctor about 20 times in the past 5 months and he keeps telling me i'm fine it's just anxiety. But it seems like i can never be so sure.

Is this typical anxiety behaviour? Or does anyone else feel this?

V for Victor
05-08-2007, 08:46 AM
A feeling of impending doom and approaching death is usually an integral part of anxiety. I know it is for me. Whenever I get a serious anxiety attack, it's usually about my health, often characterized by a need to take action immediately, or that something I did earlier has caught up with me and now it's going to kill me.

Having witnessed your father's death adds another dimension to your problems. Have you spoken to a therapist or a psychiatrist? Talking to a professional counselor may help you sort some of the issues out.

05-08-2007, 09:26 AM
my friend im sorry you witnessed your father pass away like that. thats horrible and it definitly puts an edge on your anxiety... Ive been dealing with my anxiety for around 9 months and its constantly felt like something is wrong with my heart, Ive had so many tests done its pathetic. Its hard following this but you need to tell yourself that its not your heart, your fine its just a panic attack and it will pass. I know thats hard advice to follow and I will admit that sometimes I cant even follow my advice. If youve started Cognative Behavioral Therapy thats great and talk to the therapist about it, if not try it, it will help, and it will give you someone to talk to with no bias. Believe me I know where your coming from with the heart thing, it sucks being in your 20s worrrying about that :? And your impending doom feeling will begin to pass as soon as you can get yourself to realize its just panic or at least it did for me.