View Full Version : Skipped beats & Heart motions

12-21-2012, 01:27 PM
Do people just get their skipped beats/funny feelings in chest/flutters when they are feeling anxious? Or can they happen any time

12-21-2012, 01:32 PM
Mine happen anytime but more when I'm anxious I feel my heart go boom and it takes my breath away and I have to cough lol but they can be really scary but its just anxiety

12-21-2012, 02:30 PM
I can be very relaxed and still have them all day. I am having them now. They started again this morning and have been going all day. I suffer with this everyday since July this year:(

12-21-2012, 02:34 PM
I'm sorry to hear that they are no fun I have acid relux and I find to have them more after I eat or feel really full but I have days where it goes on all day have u tried anything?

12-21-2012, 04:15 PM
Do people just get their skipped beats/funny feelings in chest/flutters when they are feeling anxious? Or can they happen any time

Nicole yes I feel it mostly at nights they skip alot n even if I'm relaxed :/ .. There scary I know ur feeling & I have flutters too :(

12-21-2012, 05:27 PM
Mine seem to happy after I've had a lot of stress. They are scary. I've been to the ER twice and both times checked out fine and they tell me it's anxiety. Ugh

12-21-2012, 05:28 PM
I mean happen not happy.