View Full Version : Has anyone tried 5-htp for anxiety

12-21-2012, 09:28 AM
New to this forum but a 24 yo male Long sufferer of anxiety and panic after I had a successful cbt I was fine for about year n a half but recently had a relapse and now on waiting list for cbt again which won't be till feb , I refuse to take prescription drugs so was looking for something natural ive been havin green tea in the morning chamomile tea at night my doctor suggested takin 5-htp I've been on it for three days takin 50mg every morning which my gf said shes seen a difference in me and brain fog has died off but I've started getting muscle aches n pains n feel really tired I don't know weather to come off them or hold it out I've look at around this forum and no ones really mentioned it any one else taken or taking it any feed back would be much appreciated

Cheers rob