View Full Version : Anxiety or medical condition?

12-21-2012, 07:31 AM
I need to know if this is anxiety or something else. I have been diagnosed with anxiety and am on medication. However the last two years have been miserable. I go through stages of nausea. They'll last a few weeks at a time. during those weeks I will feel terrible.I have no energy, no aappetite, upset stomach, feel feverish, etc. I will have maybe 3 good days out of the entire month that I don't feel sick. This is going on day number five now of nausea. But this time it feels different than usual. It comes and goestthroughout the day. I occasionally get hot flashes. Eating or drinking doesn't help. And I am definitely not pregnant. I feel like I have the flu allllll the time. I can't take it anymore. I had to quit my job because I'm too sick to work. Is this really anxiety or is something seriously wrong?

12-21-2012, 09:47 AM
Welcome! Al the symptoms you describe could be anxiety. But, it could also be something else, like IBS. My suggestion is to go to your doctor and get checked out. There are meds for both conditions (I have anxiety and IBS), so there is help.