View Full Version : I really do need some good advice to stop me from goin mad!!!

12-21-2012, 05:31 AM
Hello everyone.

I've been having these symptoms for around 2-3 months plus a few new ones in the past couple of days and I was wondering if anyone can help me and ASSURE me that it's nothing serious (some sort of brain tumor) the symptoms are:

-constant weird headaches and pains for about 4 days strait now

- weird numbness extreme weakness down whole side of right body

- constant feeling that I'm loosing my mind

-weird things in my vision, random dots move around loads of floaters etc

- a feeling that I'm only looking through my left eye and my right eye Isn't working

-when I touch my body it feels like its to me touching myself! This is one of the scariest symptoms I'm having!

- sudden feeling that I'm going to stop breathing because my brain is going to stop me from doing it

-constant muscle twitches all over my body

-feeling like the past 3 months have just been a dream and that it hasn't actually happened

- doing things that I wouldn't normally do, being overly confident

- pretty much constant shaking of my hands and a feeling of vibration across my whole body

These are basically most of the symptoms I've been having and I would be so so great full if someone could assure me that this isn't anything serious! I've been to a and e numerous times and had a neurological test recently and have been booked in for an MRI of the brain and neck but he didn't seem to think there was anything seriously wrong. So if anyone could help me I would be so happy! Thank you very much for reading this!

12-21-2012, 05:52 AM
Hi aiden!

Reading all your symptoms I felt like I was looking at myself... I too was suffering but honestly it is just anxiety so you have nothing to worry about!!

Are you on any medication or anything? Have you tried any relaxation techniques?

12-21-2012, 05:57 AM
Hi aims86

I was previously put on catilapram but was advised to come off it due to adverse effects I was having :/ some I don't take any proper medication anymore but I do take diazepam when I get really anxious

12-21-2012, 05:58 AM
I haven't tried any relaxation techniques only because I feel like they probably won't help :(

12-21-2012, 06:30 AM
Ok, I'm on citalopram 10mg, only started them last night, feeling rather anxious today! How come ou had to come off citalopram?

12-21-2012, 06:35 AM
I started on 20mg and it made me 10x more anxious than I was before, and just seemed to make everything worse and it made it really hard for me to sleep, but theydo say it will make you feel worse for a couple weeks an then make you feel better but I took it for 3 weeks and it didn't get any better :/ but good luck with you! :) can I ask what symptoms you have had or are experiencing?

12-21-2012, 06:57 AM
Awwww sorry it didn't work for you!!

My symptoms are, sweating, dizziness, shallow breathing, insomnia, intrusive thoughts, headaches, trembling, feeling sick.

I'm hoping these pills will sort all that out!?!?

12-21-2012, 07:00 AM
All those symptoms are what I had/have they aren't fun but aslong as people keep assuring you that it's only anxiety it should get better :)

12-21-2012, 07:15 AM
Yeah true! Just really hope these pills work, really anxious today :-(

12-21-2012, 07:16 AM
They will, but the main way to crack anxiety is without pills or any medication it's all to do with your head! You need to convince yourself that your not in any danger and everything is going to be okay! :)

12-21-2012, 07:33 AM
I have been trying to do that for 4 years, haven't succeeded so I knew this is the only way! Not feeling great now though, super anxious and feel weird :-(

12-21-2012, 08:18 AM
Oh :/ it's a long process :/ but I'm 100% sure everything will sort it's self out eventually the wait is just annoying :( did you or do you ever feel like you can't move your body and your arms and legs are to weak to move?

12-21-2012, 08:29 AM
Yes, I feel like that now, but then that could be the meds I guess :-/