View Full Version : Soo many symptoms, how do i stop them? PLEASE READ!

12-21-2012, 02:38 AM
I woke up this morning feeling numb and my skin feels funny, last night I was laying in bed dizzy as hell and my breathing was so shallow I thought I was gunna die.
Ive had so many more symptoms but i cant list them all because theres too many, but they all seem to be brain Tumour symptoms. I keep getting headaches in the same place on my head and I actually think that I have a brain tumour or something. I worry that that is causing all my symptoms and not anxiety, but I'm scared to ever go to the doctor because they don't take me seriously. (I've been 5 times this year) what do I do?:( should I just get on and except my symptoms or what? I need to stop them:( I don't even have my mental anxiety any more, I just get the symptoms

12-21-2012, 02:46 AM
I've been dealing with similar symptoms too and I constantly worry about a brain tumor and cancer.

I also have bad visual

12-21-2012, 02:54 AM
*disturbances that make me panic all the time.

Sometimes I feel faint and feel like I can't walk

12-21-2012, 03:44 AM
Insist on a full brain scan... that will put an end to your unknowns.

12-21-2012, 06:29 AM
Faint and can't walk familiar with me although I bike everywhere and can balance in yoga classes. Try to take the feelings to court as they say but I'm not imagining this fainting anxiety!

12-21-2012, 06:42 AM
I constantly think I have a brain tumor but don't worry yourself, it's one of the most common feelings for someone suffering with anxiety! Stay strong!

12-21-2012, 06:48 AM
You'll be alright. Like everyone else has said, it's common to scare yourself into thinking a chihuahua is a T-Rex when suffering from anxiety no matter how minor your anxiety might be.
For instance, I haven't felt a bit of anxiety in over 3 months, but yesterday at work I got a rash on my finger from an allergic reaction (I work with processing donated goods, wasn't wearing my gloves), that was rather odd because it had little red dots on it. I freaked out thinking I had touched some flesh eating mold, washed my hands for like 5 minutes. douzed it with sanitizer. Then when I got home, poured rubbing alchohol on it and tea tree oil for good measure.

Looked it up... Was just common rash from an allergic reaction ;] but at that time I didn't know and I freaked myself out into thinking it was something worse. *sigh*

You'll be ok. Maybe get some tests done to reassure yourself.

12-21-2012, 09:43 AM

I'm sorry that you're having such a difficult time. All that you are describing could be anxiety, but I'm not a doctor, and don't know what kinds of tests you've had done, etc. I used to get weird symptoms like that, and my doctor performed a neurological exam in her office (no scans), and declared me healthy in that respect. It should be easy to do one for you, too. May I suggest that you tell your doctor that you're having anxiety and need to see a therapist? It might just be time for that.

12-21-2012, 06:44 PM
You'll be alright. Like everyone else has said, it's common to scare yourself into thinking a chihuahua is a T-Rex when suffering from anxiety no matter how minor your anxiety might be.
For instance, I haven't felt a bit of anxiety in over 3 months, but yesterday at work I got a rash on my finger from an allergic reaction (I work with processing donated goods, wasn't wearing my gloves), that was rather odd because it had little red dots on it. I freaked out thinking I had touched some flesh eating mold, washed my hands for like 5 minutes. douzed it with sanitizer. Then when I got home, poured rubbing alchohol on it and tea tree oil for good measure.

Looked it up... Was just common rash from an allergic reaction ;] but at that time I didn't know and I freaked myself out into thinking it was something worse. *sigh*

You'll be ok. Maybe get some tests done to reassure yourself.

Oh my! Could you be my twin? I freak out when the unusual happens too. I had a rash come up on my face for no reason a few months ago. Only on my face but by my reaction you would have though it was my entire body. Your chi/trex analogy is familiar too. I was once told that when you have anxiety a stomped toe becomes a broke foot. I fear that I'm goin to cause my stomped body to break itself from too much worry.