View Full Version : Break

12-20-2012, 09:06 PM
Had major stress overload today which caused my anxiety to soar. I was such a bitch today, my students said I was Scrooge. .. Lol. They are excited because tomorrow we leave for Christmas break so they were a little rambunctious. That along the extra security we will have tomorrow because of rumors and pranks there will be a shooting at one of the campuses in the district, put me on edge. I'm ready for Xmas break! I need the rest and relaxation.

12-20-2012, 09:35 PM
Everyone is entitled to an off day. If you see things that you want to correct, that's great! But if you're going to beat yourself up for the next few days, that is not constructive. I think threats of a shooting would probably piss me off, too. They pay you how much to put up with that crap? Not much. My parents were both teachers, and grandparents on both sides of the family. They were all deeply flawed individuals to tried their best. Give yourself an 80/20 agreement: if you accomplish 80% of what you can do, then forgive yourself the 20% to be imperfect.

12-21-2012, 08:34 PM
We made it through the day. We started out with our campus participating in the Walk 27. We walked the track at our school and the kids did a great job We had staff and students line up along the track and hold hands during a moment of silence. It was so beautiful. Afterwards, I just let my kids play games and color. They loved having that down time. It was something we all needed. Now hopefully I can relax over the break and work on dealing with the anxiety.

12-21-2012, 08:41 PM
Good job! You honored the kids and yourself.