View Full Version : chest pain ugh

12-19-2012, 08:14 PM
So i have had high anxiety for a week now, more than normal. Then all of a sudden i had chest discomfort :( of course my mind races and then my stomach churns and im practicing my breathing now. But should i worry? Is this the one time i should actually go in. My mind starts to make heart attach symptoms happen with my body and its all over... So tired and woen out from this

12-19-2012, 08:22 PM
Have you had your heart checked out? If not, then I would at least start there just to be safe. But anxiety can cause a lot of chest discomfort. I had some of the same feelings but mine always skips beats and double beats. So I got mine checked out and they said my heart is fine and its just anxiety. So when it happens it still scares me but at least I know my heart is ok. They say if your having chest pains, and can't breath or pass out then go get it checked. Some even feel tightness and pain during anxiety.

12-19-2012, 09:03 PM
I have had my heart and blood checked many times!! But its the fear of maybe this time? Ya know

12-19-2012, 09:37 PM
Yes I know that feeling way to well. Lol. Every time I have heart palps I think maybe this time they won't stop. Or maybe this time it will cause a heart attack. But the good news is, your ok. Your heart is ok. So I try to talk myself through them and say, you have these all the time and your still here. They go away and then I feel good. So deep down even though I panic I know I will get through it and I always do. I just wish it would go away for good!

12-19-2012, 09:47 PM
What are your techniques? Are their any books that u have read that i could look up... I hate having health related panic.... Its to the point were its become obsesive compulsive

12-20-2012, 07:43 AM
I do breathing and a warm bath. Plus I looked up stree on the Apps and that's how I found this site. I also found some apps that talk you through a panic attack or when your stressed. They also talk you through relaxing techniques. One is silve relaxation and another is anxiety attacks. I down loaded a few and went through each one and kept the ones I felt would help me. The anxiety one also helps you go through tightening muscles all over for relaxation. They walk you trough it. Try some. :)

12-20-2012, 10:07 AM
What is the name of the anxiety app you found that helps you, please

12-20-2012, 10:08 AM
What is the name of the anxiety app you found that helps you, please

My muscles get so tight from stress and anxiety attacks.

12-20-2012, 10:34 AM
I know how you feel I have been having chest pains for a few days now on and off and i am convinced they are heart related!
So scary xx

12-20-2012, 11:10 AM
Silva relaxation and anxiety attack are the names. If you go to search in your apps and type anxiety you will see the anxiety attack app. It also my be called I love anxiety attacks. On my app it says anxiety attacks and when I open it it says I love anxiety attacks.