View Full Version : Me, my anxiety and my struggle to overcome it.

12-19-2012, 07:26 PM
Hello, my name is Jayson and I am 25 years old, and I have wanted to join, share my story and hopefully learn from others who suffer from severe anxiety as well.

I believe I have always suffered from anxiety as I used to always be thinking ahead, ex. what I'm going to eat for my next meal, and had really bad social anxiety. It reached new heights though when I started to heavily abuse alcohol, got as bad as averaging 12-pack a night if not more, of course less some nights and more when I was out partying. I will not go into details, but it is something that got progressively worse over the course of a year and a half until I was a full blown alcoholic, barely making it through work shifts, and most of the time drinking during them, only to come home and drink and do it again the next day. I had a traumatic experience with cocaine and thought I was overdosing and ever since that night I could tell something was different. I felt guilty about my drinking, way more so than usual, and was living in fear that the event had caused some sort of permanent damage. I have since overcome this fear, but still suffer from anxiety very badly.

Fast forward a few weeks...I went to work one night and could tell something was really wrong, I felt like I was going to pass out from pure exhaustion and barely made it through the shift. After this I tried to cut back on my drinking, and did but would still get black-out drunk some nights and would often feel this same feeling of confusion and exhaustion working night shifts. I knew I had to quit drinking because I didn't know what was going on with my body and brain as well.

Here is the good news, I had the chance to move back in with my Dad and have now been completely sober for 8 months, only average 5 cigarettes a day, and have since enrolled back in college and am doing well. I still suffer from really bad anxiety and what to me feels like chronic exhaustion. I am prescribed 20mg Lexapro and have been taking it for almost 4 months and can tell a slight difference, but still have constant worrying, worrying about the past and fear of the future. I am also perscribed Xanax as they said what I experience at work is panic attacks and I am stuck in flight or fight mode. I have promised myself I will never take it though because, one I don't know how it will make me feel as I feel so lifeless already, and two don't want to develop another addiction.

Now that you know how I got to where I am I can tell you how I feel. I feel constantly worried, almost like this world has defeated me, almost all the time. I am content with almost nothing and have a very hard time concentrating, sometimes my eyes even more back in forth when trying to read or focus on something. Maybe they do it all the time I don't know, but it is very worrisome. I have a numb tingling feeling in the front of my head a lot of the time, and have burning sensations in the back of my head some of the time, obviously worrying builds when I feel these symptoms. I feel exhausted and achy most of the time, especially in the morning and sleep as late as I can most of the time and stay up late as well. When I get out of bed in the morning I don't stop, I always have to be doing something, I fix breakfast, clean, buy groceries, smoke a cigarette ect. I can't even think about relaxing till after dinner and still find it hard to sit still, often jumping from one thing to the next. I feel better when I exercise, but this is very hard because I put so much pressure on myself and is almost worsens my overall anxiety. I still feel super light-headed and dizzy at work, I work 26 hours a week in the service industry, but not as bad as it use to be. I have very negative thoughts when I drive alone, and dread driving long distances. When I get home from lunch shifts, I often feel like I am going to pass out and don't know what to do with myself, doctor also said this is panic attacks, but I am skeptical because my heart doesn't race and I feel like I'm dying not worried.

These are the main symptoms that I suffer from, I can't think of anymore at the moment. Despite all of these things I still try and live a normal life. I just finished this semester of school and 3.66 GPA taking 12 credits, best I've ever done in school, on top of my school load and plan on finally graduating with a accounting degree in another 3 semesters. I do not feel these symptoms all the time and that gives me hope that all I suffer from is only anxiety, that I can stop them and one day forget about them all together. I look forward to reading and hope that I find that these feelings are normal and can find ways to help cope with them and subdue them as well.

12-19-2012, 07:45 PM
First off welcome Jayson! You have come to a great place for support! Secondly, congrats on being sober and doing so well in school. I too am in college and will have my BS in Psychology soon. Reading your story reminds me a lot of my own. I too always think ahead. I remember one day stressing over where I would park at school the next day. I even thought I was being ridiculous but couldn't help myself. Anyway, I won't bore you too much. Just know you aren't alone!

12-19-2012, 08:11 PM
So glad to hear you are doing so much better. My dad suffers from anxiety too and started drinking real heavy. He was never a drinker but it helped him relax. But he drank more and more everyday to where he was bed ridden except for getting up to get more alcohol. It got so bad he did not even relize he was on the verge if death. He refused the ambulance to take him to ER. We could not get him help because he refused. But one night he fell and we got him to ER. They said with all the alcohol in his body and not eating if he had not agreed to come in he would of died in a few days:( he got out a week later and swore he would not do it again but did and we were right back at square 1 until he feel and busted his head open. To this day he has NOT had any drinks. Thank God! He is now on Prozac and a few other meds for his anxiety. But he still has bouts of anxiety as do I. All your symptoms sound just like anxiety. It will wear you out and make you so tired. You don't have to have heart palps to have anxiety. I have skip heart beats, trembles, nervous, felling like I can't walk, feel like I'm in another world, list goes on and on. Just keep pushing forward and don't stop doing things you want to do. I have to make myself go out even if I don't feel like it or scare too. Just to show myself I can do it. Somedays are harder than others. One day I can feel great and the next I feel doomed. Hope this helps. You can move forward even with attacks. Anxiety is scary, but it won't kill you. :) just get some relaxing apps to listen to when you feel one starting. Do your breathing. There are apps that can talk you through it and help you relax:)

12-19-2012, 11:40 PM

Welcome! I'm glad you found us. I have to agree with the first 2 posters. The symptoms you describe can definitely be anxiety. Most people do not experience every possible symptom of anxiety. Also, sometimes some sensations will increase, some will decrease, and sometimes they start a new sensation. Congrats on your recovery from alcoholism! You've come a long way, baby. And school as well? I think you have more strength than you know. Are you being treated by a psychiatrist or therapist?


12-20-2012, 05:33 AM
Jayson, it does sound like maybe GAD(Generalized Anxiety) and some depression along with some waves of "high anxiety". Panic attacks usually have a dready fear feeling but you seem to get more of the physical symptoms which can happen. If you feel "distressed", worried, troubled, a sense or foreboding, fearful, apprehensive, have a "dread" feeling, this is all.....anxiety. Although some scenarios are more common than others as far as typical panic attacks go, there can be variation. Sounds like you have anxiety attacks/spikes. Panic attacks would be more or a strait fear of losing control, going mad and dying with the rapid heart beat from all the adrenaline but notheless this at the root level, anxiety. This is anxiety as manifested in you. You are right. There should be a rapid heart beat in the "flight or fight" response so that different. Ask your doc again, if he's a pdoc and says it's still anxiety....it is. Also may consider trying another ssri as if at 20mg of lexapro you can just feel a "slight difference", it might not be the one for you. Just a thought since that med is not cheap or doing much for you. You also feel restless, right? Part of anxiety as well. PM me any time. Alankay

12-20-2012, 07:48 PM

Welcome! I'm glad you found us. I have to agree with the first 2 posters. The symptoms you describe can definitely be anxiety. Most people do not experience every possible symptom of anxiety. Also, sometimes some sensations will increase, some will decrease, and sometimes they start a new sensation. Congrats on your recovery from alcoholism! You've come a long way, baby. And school as well? I think you have more strength than you know. Are you being treated by a psychiatrist or therapist?


Thank you for the kind words, I often blame my strong mind for my anxiety as I over analyze everything and blame myself for letting my body and mind get to this state as I feel like I use to have way more potential. I made a promise to myself though that I was going to make something of myself for my family, and hopefully my future family, I just wish it was easier and often wonder if life is as hard for other people as it is me.

To answer your question I was seeing a therapist that specialized in anxiety disorders, but had to stop seeing her as I couldn't afford it and the advice I was getting wan't helping me. She just gave me advice like, listen to soothing music when you sleep, make a to-do list and give yourself plenty of time before work shifts and try not to rush, all things I knew already. I do not have health insurance and pay out of pocket for my medication, check up visits and school as well so this played a major factor.

12-20-2012, 09:51 PM
That really sucks about no health insurance. I'll cross my fingers for Obamacare for you. It sounds like you got a therapist that just isn't very good. Especially since she was supposed to be an "expert". Do you know if it was cognative behavioral therapy (CBT)? You might be able to find some info online in order to try to progress with therapy. Or, if there's a graduate school (you mention school, but not what kind) you might be able to pay a graduate student very little ($20 or so) per session. There are lots of other possible therapies, such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)--this is what I use and practice at group once per week--as well as progressive relaxation exercises (you can find those on YouTube).

12-21-2012, 05:06 AM
Obamacare isn't a health program. It's just a law that says everyone must purchase health insurance and manyyyy other regulations. Alankay