View Full Version : Was my first panick attack 'normal'?

12-19-2012, 01:25 PM
My very first panick attack was very scary for me as I did not know what was going on. Straight away I knew I wasn't feeling right, so I made my mum call the ambulance. When the ambulance got here, my heart rate was 150bpm so they tried to calm me down as well as doing tests etc. After about 15-20 minutes of trying to calm me down my rate dropped to around 120bpm but they said that is still high. When I got to hospital I was hooked up onto a EGC again, my rate was eventually back up to 150bpm with my nerves and wondering whats happening to me! Then it hit 160bpm! That's the highest it's ever been!
Anyhow, they calmed me down after a few more minutes but I could still feel my palptations but they went down a small ammount! I got kept in over night to get my blood work results back, and when I fell asleep in the hospital bed I was woken up to a nurse putting the clipy thing on my finger that measures my pulse, and it was still 99bpm! Infact my heart rate didn't actually go down until the next day or so....
Is that normal for a first attack for the pulse rate to stay up for 24 hours?

12-19-2012, 01:42 PM

That sounds so scary! I'm glad you called for an ambulance and that they took the symptoms seriously and kept you for observations. I'm not a doctor, so I can't say if it's "normal" in that respect, but I think that your symptoms overall sound like a pretty bad anxiety attack. I think it's possible that, even though you were not awake for very long, your anxiety could have spiked up your bpm again. Definitely talk with your doctor to see what your options are. Maybe some medications could help. I wish you nothing but the best!

12-19-2012, 02:11 PM

That sounds so scary! I'm glad you called for an ambulance and that they took the symptoms seriously and kept you for observations. I'm not a doctor, so I can't say if it's "normal" in that respect, but I think that your symptoms overall sound like a pretty bad anxiety attack. I think it's possible that, even though you were not awake for very long, your anxiety could have spiked up your bpm again. Definitely talk with your doctor to see what your options are. Maybe some medications could help. I wish you nothing but the best!

Thanks so much for you reply.
I think, because it was my first anxiety attack and I didn't know what was happening I was in a constant panick wondering what was doing on with me because I thought I was going to die from a heart attack even though I am only 16 years old! All sorts was running around my head and my heart rate just wouldn't slow its self down because of the constant panick! That was my first every attack!
My anxiety attacks today are over within 5 minutes and my heart rate goes back down to normal bp straight after!
I agree with you, I think it was a really bad bad anxiety attack.
Ive never asked the doctor really, its kind of common sense..
When I go to the doctors they basically laugh at me because they say I'm so anxious and they blame anything on anxiety!!
I could go with a blister on my toe...... and they would say anxiety lol so I'm not even going to go there!
Thanks so much

12-19-2012, 02:19 PM
Nicole I know how you feel, I'm 15 mins away from taking my first ant depressant and I'm terrified!! I'm trying to calm myself down!! X

12-19-2012, 02:26 PM
My doctor wont give me any tablets because they say im too young!!!! I think ive got to the stage where I actually need them! Lol
Calm yourself down lovely...
Do some deep breathing!
Just think the tablets may help you in the long run x

12-19-2012, 02:33 PM
True, Im gonna look bak at this and laugh I know I am!! Just trying to get to that point

12-19-2012, 03:44 PM
The first panic attack I had was pretty similar.
I was in work & it hit me like a wall. Something was wrong, but I didn't know what. I ran out of the office & my boss had to chase me out. He drove me straight to the doctors where the paramedics were called out. I was convinced I was having a stroke or something, which must have made the panic worse.
It took a full day for me to calm myself down. Even now, my attacks can last a full day.
It's a horrible thing to go through. If you're feeling them often, I would pester your doctor to start you on a low dosage med, or at least put you through to a free counsellor.