View Full Version : Dizziness

12-19-2012, 01:13 PM
It's been over a year since the dizziness started. It's been at bay for a while now. Past two weeks I've felt it again had every scan test done you name it. Now I have had a lot going on. Perhaps that's the reason it's returned? Perhaps I'm focusing on it too much. Like I'm just sitting here then I start feeling like I'm floating. Or I'll be looking at something then my eyes feel like they do a quick shake then my guts drop like I'm on a rollercoaster. Sound like subconscious anxiety? Or am I just doomed for life to be dizzy?

12-19-2012, 01:37 PM

It sounds like you are overwhelmed at the moment. I think that you did a good job in getting yourself checked out physically, and that the symptoms you describe all sound like anxiety. Try not to panic, thinking that these feelings will last forever. You said that you have a lot going on, and don't forget that the holidays make us all a little crazy. Hang in there. Are you seeing a therapist?


12-19-2012, 09:11 PM
This sounds so familiar!! I have been dizzy for months with my panic and anxiety. It's like all of a sudden I feel like I'm going to pass out! I never have but I always think what if this time I do!!!

It's very frightening and frustrating!!

12-20-2012, 10:54 AM
It feels like I'm walking on marshmallows or the floor isn't even. Ill move my head one way and almost spin out but then ill do it on purpose again to see if I can make it happen and ill be fine. I feel like my body just shifts all of the sudden. Then I worry I'll be bed bound like I have been for so long before when this started. Now I've started the panic again. Familiar?

12-20-2012, 02:00 PM
This sounds like me! I turn my head and feel like I'll pass out and it sends me into panic mode!!

12-20-2012, 02:18 PM
This sounds like me! I turn my head and feel like I'll pass out and it sends me into panic mode!!

Same here I suffer with dizziness 24/7 it's scary :/

12-20-2012, 02:44 PM
I had a bout of dizziness last over 2 weeks. Went to the hospital and they weren't concerned that it was anything serious. Vertigo was all the really told me. Stemming from my anxiety. "Use your own coping methods" is what he concluded. Hmm anxiety is often a complete lack of coping mechanisms.

Still, a new symptom took its place not long after. From then on, if dizziness comes I try my hardest to not devote much emotion or worry to it. It can linger for an hour or so. but tends to disappear after.

I hear sea sickness tablets might help with dizziness. But it might not for everyone.


12-20-2012, 06:01 PM
I feel like it mostly my eyes that cause me the dizziness. Your eyes perceive all our balance too. I have perfect vision but I feel like my eyes shake when I look around. Not visibly though. It makes my life a living hell. This had somewhat resolved and now it's back....fml

12-20-2012, 07:41 PM
Sorry to jump in late in the conversation. But I stared having dizziness and lightheadedness combined with shortness of breath and tremors. I too was hospitalized and they found nothing. Then my doctor tells me that I'm suffering from Severe Anxiety Disorder (SAD) a hell of a acronym. It's so bad that I had to quit my job! I hate the feelings of dizziness and approaching doom! Nobody in my immediate family (husband and in-laws) understands what I'm going through. Sometimes I just can't function, I'm just there and need help but no one realizes it!!!!!

12-20-2012, 07:45 PM
How do you describe yours? How long has it been? Were you anxious before the vertigo or did anxiety come as a result of it?

12-20-2012, 07:46 PM
I feel like it mostly my eyes that cause me the dizziness. Your eyes perceive all our balance too. I have perfect vision but I feel like my eyes shake when I look around. Not visibly though. It makes my life a living hell. This had somewhat resolved and now it's back....fml

Omg this is me too!! My eyes give me the worst trouble these days! I too, feel like they shake and it's hard to read things and then I feel nauseous and then I panic! I don't know what to do about it!! I try not to focus on it but that's hard!!!

12-20-2012, 08:57 PM
I feel like it mostly my eyes that cause me the dizziness. Your eyes perceive all our balance too. I have perfect vision but I feel like my eyes shake when I look around. Not visibly though. It makes my life a living hell. This had somewhat resolved and now it's back....fml

I have the same issue. I was put on driving restrictions by my doctor because of it. How do you handle it?

12-20-2012, 09:11 PM
Sorry to jump in late in the conversation. But I stared having dizziness and lightheadedness combined with shortness of breath and tremors. I too was hospitalized and they found nothing. Then my doctor tells me that I'm suffering from Severe Anxiety Disorder (SAD) a hell of a acronym. It's so bad that I had to quit my job! I hate the feelings of dizziness and approaching doom! Nobody in my immediate family (husband and in-laws) understands what I'm going through. Sometimes I just can't function, I'm just there and need help but no one realizes it!!!!!

I understand exactly what you are saying about your husband and in-laws. I think the lack of compassion for our troubles makes the anxiety worsen. It compounds the anxiety. There is nothing like hearing the words ...you need to relax...snap out of it...or it's all in your head. Do they not understand if we could control it we would?

12-20-2012, 10:43 PM
You are so right. Their lack of compassion really angers me and compounds my anxiety. I am a "shopper" when I'm stressed, upset, lonely, detached, or just felling lost , I shop! It's not hoarding level, but I used to spend an entire paycheck within hours. It gave me a sense of false happiness and made me feel alive. My husband don't understand, I think he don't want to understand. Cause if he did then he would have to have sympathy or compassion. It's really turning my love for him into hatred and that scares me. My children see this and are trying to figure out what to do. I am so scared that his family's lack of compassion will rub off on my kids. The worst part is if the roles were reversed then I would be label a "bad wife and mother".

12-21-2012, 06:38 AM
All these symptoms. I'm a teacher and I can get this in an energetic class. Just feel like striving to get a safe and peaceful place. I suppose that makes it worse. Meditation techniques can't really deal with this. It's all very well to somy observe. But it feels sh**t

12-21-2012, 06:41 AM
I've had exactly the same for the past 4 months there is nothing to worry about, it's just your anxiety but you aren't actually thinking about it so it just comes on out of nowhere

12-21-2012, 09:12 AM
I start thinking and looking for it the moment I open my eyes. I think somewhere in me I don't believe it's anxiety but an actual issue that's not resolving. I'm crying co stanly cuz I'm scared of being in bed another year with this and not being the mom I want to be. My life feels over once again

12-21-2012, 01:11 PM
Right now I'm feeling a little dizzy. It kinda feels like I'm drunk. I don't know if it's anxiety or my sinuses.

12-21-2012, 01:37 PM
I've had dizziness with anxiety for months on and off 20 trips to the er nothing helps lol somehow it goes away maybe just don't focus on it but I remember it got worse before it got better I just didn't think about it I'm sorry to hear that all of u are suffering from it it really sucks to live with it

12-21-2012, 04:40 PM
Sorry to jump in late in the conversation. But I stared having dizziness and lightheadedness combined with shortness of breath and tremors. I too was hospitalized and they found nothing. Then my doctor tells me that I'm suffering from Severe Anxiety Disorder (SAD) a hell of a acronym. It's so bad that I had to quit my job! I hate the feelings of dizziness and approaching doom! Nobody in my immediate family (husband and in-laws) understands what I'm going through. Sometimes I just can't function, I'm just there and need help but no one realizes it!!!!!

Luckily I have an understanding husband but I am in the same boat. I cannot function for simple household tasks. When does it end?

12-21-2012, 04:54 PM
Luckily I have an understanding husband but I am in the same boat. I cannot function for simple household tasks. When does it end?

I don't think it do. I just had a really really awful break down and I really don't know how I'm feeling and its scary. My husband took the kids and left because he said I need to pull myself together cause the kids were scared. But he left me alone. I can't deal with that right now. It hurts so much and I am so ready to just give up. I have no family and I am so alone right now and it's scary. I have never felt like this before and I don't know what to do.

12-21-2012, 06:03 PM
Hi im new to this. I get the same thing. Come over feeling light headed as if ive had a few drinks. I feel sick too almost like a travel sickness. I hate the thought of going shopping or going out for a meal thats when its worse and always hav to sit near exit and the loo! I take travel sickness tablets when i go out and they do help a bit

12-21-2012, 06:48 PM
Hi im new to this. I get the same thing. Come over feeling light headed as if ive had a few drinks. I feel sick too almost like a travel sickness. I hate the thought of going shopping or going out for a meal thats when its worse and always hav to sit near exit and the loo! I take travel sickness tablets when i go out and they do help a bit

I hate shopping alone! I'll be fine then I feel dizzy or weird and I start to panic. U try to distract my thoughts but it doesn't always work!!

12-21-2012, 07:00 PM
I hate shopping alone! I'll be fine then I feel dizzy or weird and I start to panic. U try to distract my thoughts but it doesn't always work!!

I felt so spaced out today when I went shopping with my mom. Felt like the floor was moving beneath me!

12-21-2012, 09:25 PM
Been there!! It's horrible!!

12-22-2012, 12:10 AM
It truly is Terrible I have to take Ativan to calm it down. I'm working in a busy place with bright lights and for some reason it triggers it there. I hate it. I hate that I have to work feeling like this. Anyone else in stores get the dizzies? I hate this whole fucking ordeal. I want to feel normal when it was gone for that short while I could go to stores no prob but now it's back and I hate it. Like is it really anxiety when I don't feel anxious? I get anxious after it starts for sure though. Today I was getting hot flashes with it.

12-22-2012, 08:02 AM
It truly is Terrible I have to take Ativan to calm it down. I'm working in a busy place with bright lights and for some reason it triggers it there. I hate it. I hate that I have to work feeling like this. Anyone else in stores get the dizzies? I hate this whole fucking ordeal. I want to feel normal when it was gone for that short while I could go to stores no prob but now it's back and I hate it. Like is it really anxiety when I don't feel anxious? I get anxious after it starts for sure though. Today I was getting hot flashes with it.

I don't have much problems with dizziness at home but once I go into a store I feel like the floor is moving and I feel like I'm drunk.

12-22-2012, 04:25 PM
What is it with stores????

12-22-2012, 04:28 PM
What is it with stores????

I'm not entirely sure but in my case I think I'm afraid I'm going to have an attack in public and that fear only increases my anxiety.

12-22-2012, 05:10 PM
Happens to me in stores too! Just went Christmas shopping and had weird vision, spaced out drunk feeling and couldnt focus on anything but the horrible feelings I was having and just wanted leave

12-22-2012, 11:17 PM
Mine is really bad in stores too. I can give myself a pep talk before I go inside...be calm cool and collected...and after 5 minutes of being inside I panic. I have started the dizzy feeling again at work but only while I'm eating and after my lunch break now. I got it tonight when I laid down too...I feel like I'm moving. Not necessarily spinning but like I am moving forwards or backwards. Like a boat or airplane feeling.

12-22-2012, 11:38 PM
Mine is really bad in stores too. I can give myself a pep talk before I go inside...be calm cool and collected...and after 5 minutes of being inside I panic. I have started the dizzy feeling again at work but only while I'm eating and after my lunch break now. I got it tonight when I laid down too...I feel like I'm moving. Not necessarily spinning but like I am moving forwards or backwards. Like a boat or airplane feeling.

Check out this video on YouTube:


12-23-2012, 01:31 AM
I feel dizzy 24/7 as well. I'm wondering whether its anxiety or a balance disorder. When I'm in stores I must take a Klonopin to calm down.

12-23-2012, 07:22 PM
I start thinking and looking for it the moment I open my eyes. I think somewhere in me I don't believe it's anxiety but an actual issue that's not resolving. I'm crying co stanly cuz I'm scared of being in bed another year with this and not being the mom I want to be. My life feels over once again

Im the same exzact way! I wake up and the anxiety is ob my mind. The dizziness is an expectation now days.

12-23-2012, 07:31 PM
Im the same exzact way! I wake up and the anxiety is ob my mind. The dizziness is an expectation now days.

Yep same here! From the moment my eyes open I'm waiting for it to start :( :(

12-23-2012, 07:34 PM
U ever thought your not dizzy that every thing around u is just spinning ? Just throwing it out there :s

12-23-2012, 09:49 PM
That's retarded