View Full Version : Scared if my skipping hearts

12-18-2012, 08:30 PM
I'm so afraid of my skipped beats I suffer from anxiety for 4 years after my 1st child was 6 months if age & a half I'm afraid to go out in public the only place I feel safe is at home :/ I started getting them alot after I was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism & I was 6 months prego at the time .. I can't seem to tolerate my anxiety & stress to well it's hard to bielieve it's just anxiety causing it today I went to my cardiologist & he said I do have premature beats but it's normal done echo it's fine did the stress test it's fine but he sees that my heart rate does go up quit bit :/ no one understands me I'm only 23 years old .. They always say I over think it or that I'm old that u don't go out .. Ect I remember when I didn't have this before and enjoyed my life & now I can't even enjoy it with my daugthers & I'm afraid of Bieng home alone .. My symptoms are dizziness all the time fear pressure in chest skipped beats tension .. Name it all I have it :/

12-18-2012, 08:34 PM
Hi anxiety girl!
I totally can understand your pain and suffering!
I too am housebound through the evils of anxiety and have a 7 month old boy...
Are you on any medication at all?

12-18-2012, 08:41 PM
A pulmonary embolism is a scary thing to have. I'm guessing it was related to the pregnancy? I hope you are better now. In can understand how dealing with that could cause long-term anxiety. It sounds like you are really suffering from the symptoms. Are you attending any kind of therapy? We can be great cheerleaders, but in order to overcome these fears, you will probably need a therapist. Some anti-anxiety medication might also help. Sometimes, if we can just reduce the symptoms by even 20%, that can create room to breathe, to sleep well, to start to heal.

12-18-2012, 08:43 PM
A pulmonary embolism is a scary thing to have. I'm guessing it was related to the pregnancy? I hope you are better now. In can understand how dealing with that could cause long-term anxiety. It sounds like you are really suffering from the symptoms. Are you attending any kind of therapy? We can be great cheerleaders, but in order to overcome these fears, you will probably need a therapist. Some anti-anxiety medication might also help. Sometimes, if we can just reduce the symptoms by even 20%, that can create room to breathe, to sleep well, to start to heal.

Yea it it very scary :/ but my anxiety got really bad after my pulmonary embolism :/ but they did a scan on me & they said they dnt see it anymore .. I'm new to this site so I'm kinda happy I found it .. Since no one in my household understands me :(

12-18-2012, 08:44 PM
Hi anxiety girl!
I totally can understand your pain and suffering!
I too am housebound through the evils of anxiety and have a 7 month old boy...
Are you on any medication at all?

My post seem not to show :/

12-18-2012, 08:45 PM
Hi anxiety girl!
I totally can understand your pain and suffering!
I too am housebound through the evils of anxiety and have a 7 month old boy...
Are you on any medication at all?

Idk... if it has to do with lossing wieght to fast it not taking my prenatal vitamins and stress and anxiety :/ idk what to think anymore the skipping beats are so scary .. I have to girls and my oldest sees that I'm suffering &shes only 4

12-18-2012, 08:51 PM
As sunnie said.. Might be worth asking about some anti anxiety medications. I can't really talk as far as how they make you feel as I haven't been taking mine. I have built up a fear unfortunatly!
You can com in here and chat anytime, talking helps a lot plus there's loads of support and people about night and day!

12-18-2012, 08:54 PM
As sunnie said.. Might be worth asking about some anti anxiety medications. I can't really talk as far as how they make you feel as I haven't been taking mine. I have built up a fear unfortunatly!
You can com in here and chat anytime, talking helps a lot plus there's loads of support and people about night and day!

Thank u so much :)

12-18-2012, 08:56 PM
We are all here to support each other, you are a part of that :-)

12-18-2012, 08:57 PM
We are all here to support each other, you are a part of that :-)

I really appreciate that ☺❤

12-18-2012, 09:01 PM
No problem Hun, hope your ok!