View Full Version : little bit of advice?

12-18-2012, 10:54 AM
Hey guys, I've not been on here for a while, I'm not cured, far from it but I'm a lot better :) I've come on here to ask some advice, for the past 2 months I've occaisionally been getting chest pains.. well its in my chest, it actually feels like someones got hold of my heart and is squeezing it? Its nowhere else in my body, its only happening occaisionally like it aches from when I get up till I go to sleep on a bad day but sometimes I jist get it for half hour at a time? Its not everyday either its every now and again? Could this be anxiety related or should I be worrying?
I went to the docs with it a couple of months back and he sent me to the hospital to get it checked, they took some blood and said my hearts fine but that was all? He also told me to go back to or more blood test but when I told doc he just fobbed me off..
Its worse at my time of month (sorry guys) but it does seem to hurt more when I'm on lol

12-18-2012, 11:52 AM
Yeah common with anxiety. Get rechecked and ask for a wrtten letter of findings put into plain language. I bet your heart is fine. Alankay

12-18-2012, 12:27 PM
I've been ignoring it for a while now but today as soon as I got outta bed it ached! Proper feels like someones got a grip on my heart! Lol I'm not panicking over it or out just a bit concerned, I'm gunna make a docs appointment tomorrow like you said and get it checked out.. I may have convinced myself its angina lol the symptoms are all there! Lol