View Full Version : Weird head sensations...

12-17-2012, 07:45 PM
Does anyone get weird head sensations??
It's really hard to describe, sometimes it's a dizzy feeling like I will pass out and then if I'm lying down it feels like my head could keep sinking down into the pillow!!
It's a very strange lightheaded feeling and it's by far the worse symptom of my anxiety and panic!!!!

12-17-2012, 07:49 PM
I only had that when my anxiety was at its peak. I know what you mean though.
Now, I just get stress headaches.

12-18-2012, 01:57 PM
I do get dizzy sometimes but I usually have more of a fuzzy sensation. It's hard to explain. Like I'm disconnected from everything.

12-18-2012, 02:14 PM
I have these kind of what I call dissociative symptoms. I feel like I'm not quite real, like life is not quite real. I'm in my body, but also not in my body. My thoughts seem disconnected from me as well. I just try to close my eyes and let it take me where it wants.

12-18-2012, 03:32 PM
I get this and its Mostly Because of Depression. It feels like am Drowning.

12-18-2012, 05:53 PM
I'm the same as sunnie, a real strange feeling of not being real and feel very detached from everything. Tiredness probably doesn't help lol

12-18-2012, 06:49 PM
Yep I get the living in a dream feeling ALL the time. It used to freak me out but now I just accept its part of my anxiety!!

I just hate the weird feelings in my head the most and the feeling off balance drives me mad also!!
When will it leave me alone??? Arrrgghhhhh

12-18-2012, 07:00 PM
I too can relate to you rhar!

Feeling off balance is another common trait of anxiety, I go through all of this most days (I have quite severe anxiety)
Detachment, fatigue, head like fog, dizziness, shallow breathing, frustration, vivid imagination!
I am currently trying to accept how I feel, but if it's to much I know I do have medication to. Support from various sources also helps a great deal.

12-18-2012, 10:52 PM
I have these kind of what I call dissociative symptoms. I feel like I'm not quite real, like life is not quite real. I'm in my body, but also not in my body. My thoughts seem disconnected from me as well. I just try to close my eyes and let it take me where it wants.

Wow you just described how I've been feeling. It's as if your a passenger in your own body. It is hard to describe but I feel not all the way there. I know it's my anxiety/depression but its very overwhelming.