View Full Version : Magnesium supplement giving me the shakes?

12-17-2012, 03:02 PM
The magnesium supplement really helps me sleep through the night, however, about mid morning, or just before lunch, it makes me feel like my blood sugar is low, and I need to eat? After I eat something, I do feel better. I have been experimenting with taking a pill for three days, and then going without to compare the difference. I fell better at night taking the magnesium, but feel worse in the hours before lunch?

12-17-2012, 03:13 PM
Have you had your magnesium levels checked?

If you eat well enough, then your digestive system will extract as much magnesium (as well as everything else) as it requires.

I'm on the fence with supplements, they seem to make no difference to me.
I'm also weary that people maybe OVER supplementing themselves.

Surely, the best course of action is to have these minerals / vitamin levels checked first.
If they're low then add to them.
If they're high then reduce them.

It's true that magnesium plays a vital part in many areas of our bodies, including bones and nerves... but it's quite important to get the balance right, rather than under or over doing it by blind experimentation.

12-17-2012, 03:20 PM
Are you sure this is the magnesium supplement doing this? I have never heard of this before. Since it is right before lunch maybe your blood sugar is low and you do need to eat. That happens to me all them time. Now I have a mid morning snack to combat it. Another herbal remedy for sleeping is melatonin you may want to research that one if you think the magnesium is giving you problems.

12-17-2012, 03:43 PM
I agree that you should add supplements when something is low, my doctor had me take them to help me relax and sleep in the evening. Along with the probiotic to ease the IBS, which the magnesium, it does help. Although I cannot take the magnesium during the day, it makes me sleepy! I have learned to take a snack in the morning, because my breakfast only consists of cereal. But taking that magnesium at night, does get me to sleep all night. I don't even get up to pee?

12-17-2012, 03:47 PM
I agree that you should add supplements when something is low, my doctor had me take them to help me relax and sleep in the evening. Along with the probiotic to ease the IBS, which the magnesium, it does help. Although I cannot take the magnesium during the day, it makes me sleepy! I have learned to take a snack in the morning, because my breakfast only consists of cereal. But taking that magnesium at night, does get me to sleep all night. I don't even get up to pee?

Out of interest, what is the exact brand you're taking? (web link would be good)

12-17-2012, 04:00 PM
I will check when I get home.