View Full Version : Can anyone help

12-17-2012, 05:36 AM
I was going to start taking my citalopram tonight (very scared!!) been putting it off for 3 months as I took one tablet a while ago and felt awful but now I'm suffering really bad and waking up feeling nervous every morning! I was going to ask the doctor for a prescription of Valium to go with it as I'm so scared and know I have them if I feel bad with side affects, I'm terrified so I know I will panic!! Can I take Valium and citalopram? I'm sooo scared!!

12-17-2012, 06:01 AM
Citalopram takes weeks to have an effect on how you feel. No doubt the anxiety around taking it made you feel awful. I had tranquilizers whilst on citalopram. It can be done. Your doctor knows what they're doing, they wouldn't prescribe you conflicting drugs. They have many years of medical knowledge under their belt. All we have is a warped, paranoid outlook on every pain and symptom in our body. Whilst drugs mask symptoms, they're only a temporary cure. You should look into starting CBT.

Hope you feel better soon.


12-17-2012, 06:32 AM
Thankyou ragamuffin!

I did ask for Cbt but they said I was drinking to much at weekends, I have actually stopped drinking now, haven't had a drink for 5 days!! Will these pills stop me from feeling nervous in the morning? And stop me feeling like something bad is gonna happen or lik I'm gonna have a panic attack? I'm excited about getting better but scared at the same time!

12-17-2012, 07:24 AM
Congrats on the qutiting drinking. I don't think substances help to be honest. It's why I quit smoking weed. What dose citalopram are you on? I was on it for a few months, but I didin't find them that helpful so I was put on something else. Don't worry though, it won't mean it won't work for you. Everyobody is different :)

So did they not sign you up to start CBT? You might find it helpful. it's usually best to combine a prescription with some form of therapy. Doctors tend to think that a prescription will give people time away from anxiety and over time it's forgotten and then you can be weaned off them and continue as normal. I'm sure this works for many people. But I found CBT to be more effective.

It's all about accepting anxiety as the cause of the pains or symptoms etc. When you feel panicky remember to focus on your breathing. Deep breath in through the nose, pause momentarily and then a very long extended breath from closed lips. All the while reminding yourself "it's just anxiety, i'm safe" etc. That, and distraction are very useful for overcoming any panicky moments.


12-17-2012, 07:28 AM
Thankyou! I've been given 10mg of citalopram...
I find that recently my breathing is shallow and it's making me light headed! I get heart palpitations every now and again as well.

12-17-2012, 08:42 AM
All very common anxiety symptoms. Just remember to do the deep elongated breathing when you take a funny turn and it should help calm you down.


12-17-2012, 09:14 AM
Will the pills help this?

12-17-2012, 09:18 AM
They should do, but they'll take several weeks before they start working.


12-17-2012, 02:23 PM
You sure as heck can take valium until the AD starts helping. If you are that anxious ask about it. Then drop it after a few days and use as little as possible. Alankay.