View Full Version : Present anxiety

12-16-2012, 06:13 PM
So about an hour ago I just opened up my birthday presents and I got these really amazing headphones that I love the look of them and the music sounds great though them but I'm not sure how I feel when wherein them (plus all the music I have with heavy drum beats in them now give me a headache/hurts my ears at times) at one point they hurt the back of my neck I went out to tell my aunt who gave me the gift but my mom said its fine and I'll just get used to them they are the nakamichi headphones and they are like the ones one would were at school (but better looking)

So Idk what to do I tend to get this way with new clothing and shoes thinking they fit when I first try them only to panic that they don't fit later on. any ideas I think its stupid to be fear-full of a gift that should make me super happy

12-17-2012, 01:55 PM
Bass heavy music can be a bit hard going on the ears. Just turn the volume down a bit. The neck stiffness could be posture or just simply stress/anxiety related. If you start worrying about one pain or symptom it's not long before others start presenting themselves.


12-17-2012, 02:01 PM
So about an hour ago I just opened up my birthday presents and I got these really amazing headphones that I love the look of them and the music sounds great though them but I'm not sure how I feel when wherein them (plus all the music I have with heavy drum beats in them now give me a headache) at one point they hurt the back of my neck I went out to tell my aunt who gave me the gift but my mom said its fine and I'll just get used to them they are the nakamichi headphones and they are like the ones one would were at school

So Idk what to do I tend to get this way with new clothing and shoes thinking they fit when I first try them only to panic that they don't fit later on and sometimes its true any ideas?

Not sure about the headphones but I can understand the clothes issue.

Clothes play a huge part in self image (obviously).
Trying on clothes, only to look in the mirror and think you look less than desirable can actually put a huge dent in your ego... which in turn can ignite anxiety.

The type of spin-off thoughts are:

1/ I'm getting fat

2/ I'm looking old

3/ I'm gonna look shit at the party

4/ I look like a idiot

5/ I don't like these anymore so I've just wasted xxx amount of money

and so on...

All of which can trigger an anxiety / panic attack in an already anxious person.

make sense?