View Full Version : Dont know what to do!
12-16-2012, 03:01 PM
I'm so tired of feeling like this, wish it would go away! I feel exhausted, almost like my brain is super tired and poorly. I can't think straight and feel a little sick! I'm a little anxious but not to bad, just want to be better for my fiancé and 7 month old son! I'm sleeping but waking up exhausted like I haven't slept. My breathing seems shallow. Takes me about an hour to fall asleep! Anyone got any positive comments of how I can change this? I'm scared :-(
12-16-2012, 03:03 PM
When your breathing gets shallow, try to take deep breaths. That is one of the main symptoms that bother me the most and I get it quite frequently. I take deep, slow breaths and that usually helps.
12-16-2012, 03:17 PM
Seems like its shallow all the time, just wish I felt better, keep putting off taking citalopram 10mg but it's looking like I'm gonna have to! :-( last time I took one I had one tablet and had to stop, I felt awful! I was sweating like a pig and my anxiety was through the roof, ont want I feel that bad but need to do something :-(
12-16-2012, 03:58 PM
Simple question:
What's bothering you? like... what's on your mind?
12-16-2012, 04:17 PM
Just so tired and feel faint, I feel Iike I'm detached from the world, I have a 7 month old son and a gorgeous fiancé that right now I don't feel like I can enjoy, I'm so so tired yet last night I got like 10 hours sleep, I wish I could pull myself out of it but I don't know how? I'm way to scared to take the 10mg of citalopram :-(
12-16-2012, 04:26 PM
Noooo... I mean, what's bothering you!??? in your life right now - what's worrying you?
You said in the original post "I can't think straight" - so I'm guessing something's tumbling around in your head... but I wonder what?
12-16-2012, 04:36 PM
Oh sorry, nothing is really, not to any great extent really.
The only thoughts I have had is - my fiancé seems really cross at me because I havent taken my tablets yet.
Wish I had more support from my family
My fiances parents bicker quite a bit and it's annoying!
I live with my fiancé, his mum and dad and I feel that because they have never been through it that they don't honestly understand
Also feel that if I did have a panic attack they wouldn't know what to do (another reason why I'm scared to take the meds) incase they make me have one!!
12-16-2012, 04:50 PM
How long have you been feeling like this? years / months? (just after your son was born?)
Anything in particular start your anxiety? (a trauma, for example)
You desribe typical anxiety symptoms. Have you been officially diagnosed with anxiety / panic disorder?
What tablets aren't you taking? and when were these prescribed?
I'm just trying to find why you're feeling the way you do (assuming it's anxiety and nothing physical)
12-16-2012, 05:03 PM
I have had anxiety for about 4 years BUT it seems to have flared up quite nastily in the last 2 weeks, I did have a very bad patch just after I had my son as I had a very traumatic birth, lost 1.8 litres of blood as without sounding disgusting or giving you tmi I had to be cut :-/
I have been prescribed 10mg of citalopram which I have had for about 3 months. I took one about 3 months ago before I went to bed and I had severe sweating, really bad headache and was verrrryyy panicky with nasty chest pains! I stopped after taking that 1 tablet as I was incredibly petrified after that one instance. I probably shouldn't of just stopped but hey ho.
Went back to my doctor last week and I couldn't sit still, my leg was going and I was playing with my zip on my jacket and looked pale, he told me that I looked incredibly anxious and to give the citalopram another try, I told him I was exhausted and was having trouble sleeping but he didn't say a lot!
Thankyou for talking to me, means so much and us helping incredibly! I haven't really been out in a week and haven't been out on my own in about 3 months :-(
12-16-2012, 05:06 PM
I managed to push myself through after having my son but did mask it with alcohol, I had a very heavy drinking session last weekend which I wish I hadn't coz now I feel like this! I haven't had a drink now for about 4 days, to scared!!
12-16-2012, 05:22 PM
Okey doke... so what happened 4 years ago? (i.e. how/why did your anxiety start in the first place?)
And any idea why it flared up again 2 weeks ago?
Have you always been an inherent worrier / panicky person?
I can't comment on citalopram since I've never tried it. It has mixed reviews.
Personally I don't like the sound of the possible side effects (which include sweating - which you said you had)
I've taken Diazepam (valium), but ONLY as and when needed and NOT on a regular basis.
Amazing drug - puts a smile on your face within 20 minutes or so :-)
Talk to your doc. about an alternative.
The restless leg (and zip pulling) is tell-tale anxious behaviour. Like you can't keep still / mind is working overtime / worried about something.
My brother's like this... leg is constantly going like a jack-hammer! he's also pretty anxious / uneasey.
A suitable medication is the best quick fix, coupled with counselling or better; cognetive therapy.
You should also try a range of natural calming aids... like chamomile tea, bachs rescue remedy and so on.
12-16-2012, 05:28 PM
I managed to push myself through after having my son but did mask it with alcohol, I had a very heavy drinking session last weekend which I wish I hadn't coz now I feel like this! I haven't had a drink now for about 4 days, to scared!!
Tell ya what... one of my worst panic attacks was thanks to a hangover.
Being pissed is heavenly... completely passifies ALL anxiety and worry, so I can concur with you here.
But the next day... OH BOY... time to pay! lol
You see, anxiety is based on our thinking of "worst case scenarios" or "what if's". A hangover makes us feel crap, so our anxiety says... "ooh, what's this shitty feeling, must be an impending heart attack or brain tumour" - and so we spiral into that dark, shitty place of fear and panic.
Best avoid alcohol until you're out of the current anxiety phase (and it is just a phase)
12-16-2012, 05:37 PM
I actually have no idea, was coming back from Cornwall with an ex partner and I had this massive urge to get out the car, it was like I felt a slight case of chlostriphobia (sorry about the spelling!) i had one then after that I had real problems getting back in the car. Took him about 45 mins to get me home when we were only 15 mins away! Weird!!
I am the worst worrier in the world! I worry if the house is not clean because of my son and visitors, I get annoyed at the slightest thing, even if the dog is scratching! Very unlike me! I just seem to have been very tense as of late. I can't sit still for 5 minutes! I used to love watching films, going shopping etc etc.. Can't do that at all anymore. Need to learn how to relax!
12-16-2012, 05:41 PM
The only reason why I think it could of flared up again 2 weeks ago is because I went out and had about 3 bottles of wine and then stupidly had a row with my fiancé about his dad being a twat! I can't control myself with my words after a few wines but lately it's been so much worse, I love my fiancé to bits! He hardly spoke to me the next day, I really felt awful :-(
12-16-2012, 05:47 PM
3 bottles of wine! Jesus, no wonder you're feeling shite! The last time I had 3 bottles of wine I was sick as a dog!
I'm the same, come out with some right nasty things!
12-16-2012, 05:51 PM
I was sick!! But at the time it let me be Amy for a few hours, seriously paid or it all weekend though and still am by the looks if it!
12-16-2012, 06:02 PM
I was sick!! But at the time it let me be Amy for a few hours, seriously paid or it all weekend though and still am by the looks if it!
Think we're getting to the root cause now...
You're bottling (no pun intended, lol) all your anger & frustration up. The wine then popped your cork & you exploded.
Seems like you have some family feud going on that need to be resolved (without wine!)... cant be doing with any sour grapes now eh?
FUCK its 1am!! time for sleepy bo bo's
12-16-2012, 06:09 PM
I am the worlds worst for bottling! I should really take a walk, or read a book or play with my little boy when I feel stressed or upset, I now know to do that in future! It's hard work looking after my son when I feel like this as well... He cries I instantly get cross as if I can't cope. Praps I need o take a step back and assess the situation... Easier said than done with anxiety but surely that would make things a little easier?
12-16-2012, 06:12 PM
I fin it hard coz my fiances parents bicker and they bicker, I'm trying to bring up my son and sometimes they or get he's in the house and be go by, if they wake him up it's me that has to suffer the consequences, that's another thing that bothers me.
12-16-2012, 06:13 PM
In a round about way that was meant to say they are gobby! Lol
12-16-2012, 06:36 PM
Have you got anywhere else you could stay for a while so you can get out of that environment for a bit?
12-16-2012, 06:52 PM
Amy, have to ask.... Are u from wales by chance? Anyhow, I get horrible anxiety and panic attacks after a night out on the town. And I, like u keep things bottled up. The only time I can let loose and be me is when I am drinking. But after my last hangover I am way too scared to drink again. Do frustrating. I also get anxiety really bad before bedtime. I have been telling myself if I get a panic attack I get one. Trying not to fight them. And have been drinking sleepy time tea. I am going to have a cup now. I hope this time passes for you, I know it will. And I agree with Dazza, maybe ask doc for a different med .
12-16-2012, 07:20 PM
Did you read up on the side effects before taking it? Perhaps you were worrying about the side effects which triggered an anxiety attack. Maybe you would of experienced these symptoms even if you hadn't taken the tablet? I know it's difficult to stop being afraid of something and change the way you think about something but try to think "these tablets are going to help" you may feel bad for a while and maybe you will have a panic attack, but as terrifying as they are it will pass. What if they make you feel the best you've ever felt? Perhaps ask your partner to distract you after you take one or if you do have a panic attack take a Valium. (I read your other posts)
Waseem Shahzad
12-17-2012, 04:31 AM
Anxiety and Panic Attacks are relatives in nature and later happens by wake of the first one.
Here are some symptoms to take care when you find them.
Heart pumping fast.
Breathing problems.
Shortage of breath.
Problems in body.
Chest pain.
Numbness will be there in fingers and the whole body.
Also, you'll feel a sense of fear.
So, you can get riddance from panic attacks easily as you can follow different techniques.
When you get any of symptoms in your body, you can shoot me a message and I'll inform you how to get riddance from.
12-17-2012, 04:42 AM
I haven't got anywhere else I can stay at the moment! (very annoying)...
I am not from Wales.. I'm from west Sussex...
I woke up this morning feeling incredibly nervous... Have done for the last few days!
I'm super upset this morning because I'd love a way out of this I really would...
I know that deep down I am suffering to a stupid point and that citalopram could be my only option! (wish I wasn't so scared to take it)
The only time I really feel comftable is when my fiancé is home and we are upstairs in our bedroom, I hate sitting downstairs! (his mum and dad do my head in)
I just keep getting this feeling of impending doom! Not nice :-(
I wish when I slept it was a comftable relaxed sleep but at the moment I'm waking up nervous so it can't be!
I wish I could get through this on my own! I really don't wanna go down the tablet route, I just don't have any idea what to do, wish it was easy!!
12-17-2012, 04:44 AM
I've spent the last 3 weeks looking at the side affects (that's half the problem)
Just don't want to have a panic attack after I've taken it (super scared of this)
12-17-2012, 04:54 AM
What about taking a small amount of Valium first just to calm your nerves a bit?
12-17-2012, 05:18 AM
I spose I could, think I've only got a couple left, need to get another prescription, would it be worth phoning and asking them if they could do me some more? Valium is diazepam isn't it?
12-17-2012, 05:37 AM
Yes diazepam is valium. Alankay
12-17-2012, 06:14 AM
Maybe. Sometimes just knowing that you have them is enough for some people without having to take them. Hope you get better soon!
12-17-2012, 06:27 AM
Thankyou! Waiting for the doctors to re-open at 2, they are closed for lunch!
12-17-2012, 09:00 AM
Let us know how you get on
12-17-2012, 09:12 AM
Still waiting for them to phone me back, arggghhh! Now fretting about taking these pills tonight :-/
12-17-2012, 09:13 AM
Still waiting for them to phone me back! Fretting now about taking the citalopram tonight as well as my breathing has gone really shallow :-/ but my heart isn't beating fast which is strange :-(
12-17-2012, 09:34 AM
Don't fret girl! And you don't HAVE to start them today :)
12-17-2012, 10:18 AM
Still waiting for them to phone me back, arggghhh! Now fretting about taking these pills tonight :-/
Don't take citalopram at night it might keep you up during night .. Better to take it morning or day time
12-17-2012, 10:33 AM
I do have to start them today, I've been putting them off since Friday and I'm now housebound!! I need to start them tonight deede otherwise I never will :,-(
12-17-2012, 10:47 AM
I do have to start them today, I've been putting them off since Friday and I'm now housebound!! I need to start them tonight deede otherwise I never will :,-(
What time is it ?
If you have to take it at night . Start the next one the next morning then take it in the morning
Start it with some Valium or something to help u calm
12-17-2012, 10:48 AM
By the way if you need to talk I can go chat room :)
12-17-2012, 10:49 AM
Ok then I will go in there now!
12-17-2012, 10:55 AM
Me too ........
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