View Full Version : jmm44

12-16-2012, 12:06 PM
I have anxiety all my life I suffer from GA D and depression I am so freaked out right now about December 21st 2012 I know it might sound stupid to some people but my anxiety is really high right now and those poor children that died in Connecticut on Friday it's so disturbing there is so much sorrow in this world that makes you wonder if the world really is going to end on Friday so anxious I don't know what to do

12-16-2012, 02:07 PM
No, I wouldn't worry at all.....remember all the other times before that it has been predicted the world would end....and we are still here...try not to stress too much about it.

12-16-2012, 02:09 PM
No, I wouldn't worry at all.....remember all the other times before that it has been predicted the world would end....and we are still here...try not to stress too much about it.

Try and stay calm and try not to stress or freak out. I know what happened was awful but you need to not to worry about it.