View Full Version : heart palpitations is this normal

12-16-2012, 11:10 AM
I've had palpitations for just over a year now on an off.had them checked out last year an about 6/7 months ago I was told just part of my anxiety. I got over them (mentally) for awhile an they went away just the odd one every now an then.but lately I've bin getting them again and I just don't understand why an how can this be harmless to me cuz it doesn't feel like it when they occur. does anyone else get them and get them on and off like me for no reason I mean I'm only 26 I go to the gym an am active just don't understand it someone plz help!!!!!!

12-16-2012, 11:40 AM
I've had palpitations for just over a year now on an off.had them checked out last year an about 6/7 months ago I was told just part of my anxiety. I got over them (mentally) for awhile an they went away just the odd one every now an then.but lately I've bin getting them again and I just don't understand why an how can this be harmless to me cuz it doesn't feel like it when they occur. does anyone else get them and get them on and off like me for no reason I mean I'm only 26 I go to the gym an am active just don't understand it someone plz help!!!!!!

First you need to know this is because you didn't treat your anxiety .. Please ask your doctor to check your vitamin D level and you probably will find deficiency on it that you will need a medication for it .
Stay calm and be sure nothing bad will happened .. Be positive

12-16-2012, 11:59 AM
Even people that are on meds get palps. Healthy people get them, we're just more aware of our bodies. If tests have come back saying all is good with your heart, you can bet it's your anxiety creeping up.

12-16-2012, 12:47 PM
As long as you got it checked out you should be fine. I went to the ER the first time I had a panic attack and I had a very high heart rate. EKG and blood work were normal. Even now, my heart remains slightly high.

12-16-2012, 02:08 PM
First thing is first. You can get this and have nothing wrong. It can be caused by stress. I use to get this daily when I was going through a lot of stress. I then calmed down a lot more and now I don't have this. Is worth seeing the doctor but might be nothing. Try not to worry a lot of people get this.

12-16-2012, 03:08 PM

Some facts re. heart palps:

a/ an ecg/your doc. will have picked up anything untoward with your ticker.

Modern ecg recorders are highly sophisticated machines, running software algorithms built upon more than 100 years medical experience of
the human heart.

An ecg IS the best way to measure & diagnose heart abnormalitites. If the machine says "normal", it means normal.

b/ most people have palpitations or skipped/extra beats (some many hundreds of times a day), the difference between people who know they suffer is that they are more aware of them.

c/ palpitations are more common in the young (from teenager to 40's). This is because stress is usually at its highest for this age span.
My father suffered badly in his early 40's. By the time he hit late 40's and up until now (70) - he's not had a single palp (or at least, not that he's aware of)

d/ dehydration can cause them (drink plenty water)
Caffeine is also a know cause (switch to decaf - see if it helps)

e/ my money is on your state of mind
An anxious mind causes havoc in the body and in particular the nerves.
The vagus nerve (responsible for slowing heart rate, amongst other things) is very sensitive to anxiety.
This is by far the greatest cause of palps.
If you're not calm or you've got troubles on your mind - rest assured this will effect your heart!

f/ excessive gas (& acid reflux) can cause palps. Gas bubbles pressing on various nerves (mainly the vagus) can cause palps.
(Made worse by the fact that anxiety can cause stomach issues)

g/ palps will not kill you

Make a note of when they occur (in particular - what you're doing at the time) and you may find the cause.

Palps tend to occur when at rest and thinking too much. A direct response to an anxious or worrisome thought.

12-18-2012, 09:46 AM
I don't have anxiety anymore but I still get heart skips. They really are annoying but they do not scare me anymore. I haven't figured out how to get rid of them. So I can say it isn't from anxiety for me, because I don't have anxiety. I had them for many years though, before my anxiety breakdown. All I can say, is I have tried every thing I can get my hands on for it and can't seem to get them to go away. They tend to not come when I exercise though. If anyone figures out how to get rid of the occasional irregular beat, let me know.