View Full Version : Tired all the time?

12-16-2012, 09:48 AM
Hi I have posted before but never really heard much from people so I need some answers. I have IBS, I am 18 years old and have had such a hard time getting use to it. I have been so stressed over the last 5 months with stressing and worrying daily. I remember when I first started getting stressed I felt tired but I was able to come with it. I am now into December and my tiredness has got worse. My eyes are heavy all the time, I feel unrefreshed, I feel awful. I find it hard going without 10 minutes without yawning.

I have had blood tests, stool tests, urine you name it I have had it. I am waiting in a colonscopy though. ( Check the bowels ) because I have been concerned. I just don't understand why I am so tired and feel like I never sleep when I do.

I was wondering after being stressed / worried for months can your body just give up and be tired all the time / fatigue because of being stressed a lot? There is days were I don't think about it and I am still tired. So its making me question myself if its stress or anxiety or something else.

I have been speaking to my doctor a lot about it and he doesn't think its serious but this fatigue has got worse and I am starting to panic. I am getting my last tests in Feb. I will know for sure then if there is something serious or not.

I am just feeling awful. I got my eyes checked by the eye doctor had all tests with him. He said my eyes were good but he did ask if I had any allergy's? He said I had bags under my eyes and he said it could be because I have an allergy.

I have yet to speak to my doctor about getting those tests. I just feel drained. I am more IBS-C than D now so I don't get the tiredness.

If anyone can help or has any answers or advice it would be a lot to me.

12-16-2012, 12:52 PM
This sounds exactly like me. Being in a stressed and anxious state all the time is really, really hard on the body. I have been sleeping A LOT lately and people just think you're lazy but, it simply that you are mentally exhausted. Are you on any anti-anxiety meds? Those can make you tired also.

Hope This Helps!

12-16-2012, 08:41 PM
Yes I am tired ALL the time with my stress and anxiety. Your body rarely relaxes so u can understand why we feel so tired all the time! It's a vicious circle!!

12-17-2012, 08:36 PM
This sounds exactly like me. Being in a stressed and anxious state all the time is really, really hard on the body. I have been sleeping A LOT lately and people just think you're lazy but, it simply that you are mentally exhausted. Are you on any anti-anxiety meds? Those can make you tired also.

Hope This Helps!

I am not on meds nope. I don't stress as much as I did though. I was stressing and panicing for about 6 months straight but I have calmed down so much. But... I am now tired pretty much 24/7. It's not normal tired it's worse than that. My eyes get warm, and heavy and feel strained. I even had blood tests, eye tests all came back normal? So it's now making me worry why I am feeling this :(.

12-17-2012, 08:37 PM
Yes I am tired ALL the time with my stress and anxiety. Your body rarely relaxes so u can understand why we feel so tired all the time! It's a vicious circle!!

Can you get this though? If you have been stressed and anxiety for months and then your body just goes tired? I don't really understand it :/

12-17-2012, 08:48 PM
I am not on meds nope. I don't stress as much as I did though. I was stressing and panicing for about 6 months straight but I have calmed down so much. But... I am now tired pretty much 24/7. It's not normal tired it's worse than that. My eyes get warm, and heavy and feel strained. I even had blood tests, eye tests all came back normal? So it's now making me worry why I am feeling this :(.

I am the same. I was pretty much having panic attacks every day all day for 6 months and that was about2 months ago since I've calmed down but now I feel worse!! Tired all the time, weird head sensations, feeling off balance.

I guess perhaps it takes a while for your body to get back to normal??
It's horrible and I constantly stress I am dying of something!!!!

12-18-2012, 01:43 PM
I am the same. I was pretty much having panic attacks every day all day for 6 months and that was about2 months ago since I've calmed down but now I feel worse!! Tired all the time, weird head sensations, feeling off balance.

I guess perhaps it takes a while for your body to get back to normal??
It's horrible and I constantly stress I am dying of something!!!!

I have those sensations on the head too. Like tingling around the head? I have had them too! Maybe it will take a time. I heard that after your body has been stressed for so long it just goes into tired mode to calm you down and stays like that untill you get over everything.

I have had all my bloods etc tested. So I am not sure what it can be? It does worry me though a bit. Being tired, sore eyes. Feeling like you have not slept. When you have.

12-19-2012, 11:26 PM
Yep I get tingling in my face and arms too.

I ALWAYS wake up tired, but I try as hard as I can to get moving!!

12-20-2012, 07:48 AM
I've been tired for months too. Even after a good sleep. Doctor also suggested i might have allergies as my eyes are sore a lot. Tried some hayfever meds but they haven't helped much. I also think stress and anxiety wears u out as ur body is always in fight or flight mode and full of adrenaline. I've tried to become more active lately and i think its helped with the tiredness.

I have also had the head tingling symptoms in the past.

12-20-2012, 07:55 AM
Yep I get tingling in my face and arms too.

I ALWAYS wake up tired, but I try as hard as I can to get moving!!

Yes I have them on my head. I use to get them daily now its went so down. I hardly ever get them. The tiredness is an issue. I feel sleepy 24/7 and my eyes are just sore and hard to keep open.

Do you think it could be stress + Anxiety and the worry? I have had all the blood tests etc and nothing showed and nothing came up?

So what else could it be?

12-20-2012, 08:25 AM
Yeah I reckon stress, it's amazing what it does to your body and especially if for extended periods of time.

My eyes hurt too, sometimes even when shit if I rub them it really hurts!!

I also feel faint a lot if the day and get the shakes.. I'm learning to try and control these otherwise off I go into a complete panic.

I had convinced myself it was brain cancer!!

12-20-2012, 05:48 PM
Yeah I reckon stress, it's amazing what it does to your body and especially if for extended periods of time.

My eyes hurt too, sometimes even when shit if I rub them it really hurts!!

I also feel faint a lot if the day and get the shakes.. I'm learning to try and control these otherwise off I go into a complete panic.

I had convinced myself it was brain cancer!!

No you don't have that. I did a bit of research and having those feelings is a sign of anxiety and worry.

I just want to find out how to feel normal again and not feel like this.

12-20-2012, 07:48 PM
No you don't have that. I did a bit of research and having those feelings is a sign of anxiety and worry.

I just want to find out how to feel normal again and not feel like this.

Me too :( but days when I feel "normal" makes me panic and then I think "where's the anxiety" then sure enough here it is!!!