View Full Version : Can ALL these symptoms actually be caused by anxiety?

12-16-2012, 04:37 AM
Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole forum concept but I really need some advice and honestly just some piece of mind about these CONSTANT symptoms I've been experiencing for around 3-4 months now, here are the main ones that I'm worried about:
.Always feeling like my body is going to shut down and I won't be able to use it anymore.

. Feeling that I'm only looking out of my left eye even though my right eye vision is completely fine.

. Looking at my body and feeling like its distorted and my bones are going to break easily.

.constant headaches that are a lot different to what I've had in the past.

. Constant weakness/numb feeling in my whole body.

. Whole of right side of body (head to toe) feel non existent and feel strange when I try to move them.

.always forgetting things even though I've just thought about them and a blurred memory about things that happened hours ago.

. An just general behavioural changes, I used to be a upbeat (a little immature) funny happy guy until this suddenly randomly started happening.

I've been to several doctors and to a and e numerous times and every time they've just said its anxiety related, I'm just finding it extremly hard to believe considering the severity of my symptoms. I just feel like in living in some dream world and the past 4 months hasn't actually happened. I'm just scared that the doctors have missed something as my symptoms are getting worse day by day. I've been booked in for an MRI scan of the head and neck but it won't be for months yet. So if ANYONE has any suggestions theories or advice it would be very much appreciated. By the way I'm an 18 year old male with a fairly healthy life style.
Thank you for reading :)

12-16-2012, 05:29 AM
Hi Aiden,
Most of these are symptoms of anxiety. Are you currently on any medication for anxiety?
I myself sometimes experience feeling like I am watching myself from a far, like I am not really in a situation even though I am standing there. My memory is terrible, you can tell me something and 5min later I have already forgotten, or you have to remind me of the situation in order to jog my memory of what you told me previously. This symptom is called being in a fog.
feelings of anxiety are often triggered by feeling that there is something medically wrong with you. Once all your tests are done, if they all come back normal your answer will be that it is just anxiety. I myself went through this same problem. the next step is working on telling yourself that it is just your panic talking and that you will be fine.
I hope this helps, remember you are not alone :)

12-16-2012, 05:35 AM
I was previously put on catilapram but had some quite bad effects so I'm not on any medication at the moment only diazepam to carm me down a bit but the symptoms I listed are constant, I think the major mistake I made was searching my symptoms on the Internet and results coming up such as brain tumor etc, but hopefully if I get the results back and they are fine then I may be able to believe that it is just my anxiety.
Thank you very much for your reply!

12-16-2012, 05:49 AM
No problem :)
Yes you should never type your symptoms into an internet search, that will only make your panic worse, lol I made that mistake once and I will never do that again :)

12-16-2012, 06:04 AM
No problem :)
Yes you should never type your symptoms into an internet search, that will only make your panic worse, lol I made that mistake once and I will never do that again :)

I agree I think the more we look for anxiety symptoms the more we'll find them

12-16-2012, 06:18 AM
Agreed, I'm the worlds worse for doing that! Wish I hadn't, now I can't bring myself to take my 10mg of citalopram!!

12-16-2012, 07:56 AM
Some people also say that if you continuously convince yourself that you've got certain illness's, diseases etc that you can actually give yourself the physical symptoms in a manner of speaking, that's what I feel like I'm doing with me, I convinced myself I've got a brain tumor and I'm now having a few of the symptoms for them (numbness/weakness in one side of my body, extreme headaches etc) so from now on restrained myself from searching for any symptoms online as they always seem to give you the worst answers!

Getting Well
12-16-2012, 09:23 AM
For two years, I have been in therapy with a well-respected psychologist. He's not a young guy...shall we just say "seasoned" and/but "sharp." He has told me all along that my various physical symptoms are anxiety. My primary physician as well as psychopharmacologist (high class psychiatrist) have both questioned the anxiety diagnosis. I've had MRI's, xrays, trips to specialized neurological clinics, blood tests of the usual and unusual panels. I've been hospitalized in attempt to regulated the muscle pain and feeling as if my bones have turned to concrete. Most recently, I spent a terrifying two days in a psych ward so that the docs there could supervise medication changes. After finding this site and others that outline rather specifically the kinds of symptoms others have, I am finally convinced that my therapist has been correct all along. All the medical tests were "normal." As psychologist says every time he gets a medical report..."look at these levels...not a one even slightly questionable and you are nearly 70. You're going to live for a long, long time if these tests are any indication." If there is a positive afgter all this, my husband and sons are now ready, if not anxious, to participate in therapy...as the psychogist has been encouraging all along. DENIAL, is an amazing mechanism. Now, I am so afflicted, I can't eat properly, a decent nights sleep is something I long for and the daily pain is excruciating. I've been on benzodiazepines...they used to help...was misprescribed, so now am taking far more than is reasonable, so getting off that poison is ahead. Found a download for my mp3 player of a fellow named Eric Brown, "Stop Panic Attacks...." It consists of some hypnotic excercises as well as breathing techniques, guided meditation etc. I'm getting thru the nights by listening to it, getting a few minutes sleep before walking up with either nausea or shooting pain in what I can my "sitter."

Mornings are hell. usually have myself a good cry as there seems no end to the suffering I had NO idea what anxiety/fear can do to the body. I have been humbled and sure would like to hear from others who have figured out coping skill and/or can offer support and encouragement. I hope to hear from someone as loneliness plays into the scene, too. Best regards to all who struggling with mild or severe anxiety situations.

12-17-2012, 07:46 AM
Hi Getting Well,
I am sorry that you have been through such a hard time with your anxiety. The only adivse I have for you is to look on the bright side of things, you have been given a clean bill of health. This is something some of us (including me) would kill for a doctor to tell us. That all the symptoms we suffer from are "just our panic talking" You are on the right track with your breathing techniques and other therapy. I am also glad that your family is on board with helping you through this. Remember you are not alone there are many of us out there that understand what you are going through. I wish you all the very best in your recovery :)

12-17-2012, 01:58 PM
I've also got this new symptom of where my arms and legs feel like they aren't in the right position?! Like my foot feels like its facing right but its actually facing left? Any ideas if this has anything to do with anxiety?