View Full Version : can u feel anxiety chest symptoms all day everyday?

12-16-2012, 03:05 AM
hi, for the last 6 months or so my chest has felt tight/achey pain feeling all day every day. ive had 3 ekgs and blood tests all came back normal. i dont know y i cant accept it as anixiety i feel so restricted because of it. i am on meds and under therapy aswell.
cheers guys

12-16-2012, 04:37 AM
I know this feeling very well. Infact i was only down A and E just early hours with my chest pain, had ecg and came back fine and blood pressure was perfect. I think its difficult to except it is just anxiety because sometimes your not feeling anxious and the pain just comes from nowhere so u make urself beleive it must be something else. Us anxiety sufferers unfortunatly feel every single ache and pain 10x more intenensely because we are more aware of what is happening in our bodies. When i talk to friends and family that dont suffer with anxiety they tell me they get aches and pains but they dont take any notice of them as they know its just the body doing what the body does.
Also when u have anxiety, without realising were always tense so when we do relax all our muscles relax and thats when the pain will start its our muscles telling us to tense up as their not used 2 feeling relax. Does this make sense?? Lol. Its hard 2 write these things sometimes. Lol

12-16-2012, 05:17 AM
Hi James,
Yes symptoms of anxiety also include tight chest, heart pounding, heart fluttering, feeling like you can not breath, like someone is sitting on your chest. All these symptoms are new to me as of recently, my previous panic attacks did not include any of these symptoms. When I first experienced them I to ran to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack! EKG, x-ray, and all blood work came back normal. The doctor said they were new symptoms I have not experienced yet. I have recently gone through some crazy stress and have triggered my panic to come back stronger than before. So I am currently learning all over again how to manage my symptoms.
Try to tell your self "it is just your panic talking" ignore it and distract yourself with another activity. All the best and remember you are not alone :)